Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Mixed Martial Arts Vs Traditional Martial Arts

Mixed Martial Arts Versus Traditional Martial Arts

Who will win the battle between traditional martial arts and mixed martial arts schools? The traditional martial arts have been around for ages and...
Qwan Ki Do

Qwan Ki Do

Qwan Ki do literally means "the way of the fist and the energy."  This Vietnamese martial art is similar to Karate. It was founded...


Bersilat means "to do fighting" and this Malaysian martial art is similar to Pentjak Silat, an Indonesian martial art, which it is thought to...
Gracie Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: Groundfighting Dissected

Anyone who's been involved in the martial arts for the past 10 years has heard of Gracie jujitsu ("GJJ"). A Brazilian modification of old-time...
Way of the Warrior Kid By Jocko Willink

Way of the Warrior Kid: From Wimpy to Warrior the Navy SEAL Way

Jocko Willink has written a book to help every child and this is what he has to say about Way of the Warrior Kid:...
Jigoro Kano Judo

Jigoro Kano And The Not So Brief History of Judo

Indeed, Jigoro Kano was many things to many people. Like Sir Thomas More, he was a man for all seasons. His many worlds encompassed...
Mark Colangelo

Go Jiu Bujitsu the Civilized Mixed Martial Art

Let’s get real! While many love to watch and admire the techniques used in the Ultimate Fighting Championships and other no-holds-barred cage matches, only...
Setting Goals

Setting Goals: Begin With The End In Mind

Sun Tzu wrote, "If you know yourself and know your opponent you will be victorious 100 battles out of 100 encounters.' The civilian comes...

About Arnis

Arnis began in the Philippines over 1200 years ago. It was the fighting technique used against the Spaniards in the 1500's. Today Arnis is...
Dane Harden

Satsujinken and Katsujinken

Satsuninken and Katsuninto, the swords of death and life, are a metaphor regarding balance, center, and free will. “Go seek balance Daniel-san,” these were the...
Dog Brothers Martial Arts

Eric Knaus on Dog Brothers Fighting and Pekiti Tirsia

Top Dog here, for this once delurking to set the record straight concerning the claim, which pops up from time to time, that Pekiti...
Kanken Toyama

Shudokan Karate

With the advent of Gichin Funakoshi's introduction of Okinawan Karate to Japan in the early 1920's, the popularity of karate began to grow. Soon,...

A History of Kempo or Kenpo

The art of Kempo, also written as Kenpo, is unique as far as its history goes in two respects; it is considered by many...
Kun Tao

Kuntao Way of the Fist

Kuntao is often translated "way of the fist",  but literally it means fighting art. It is a Hokkien term for martial arts created by...
Ultimate Grappling

Ultimate Grappling Magazine

Ultimate Grappling Magazine was the number one magazine of mixed martial arts (MMA) and Ultimate Fighting Championships. UGM delivered in-depth instructional features, product reviews, nutritional...
Soke Teruo Hayashi Teaching

Choosing the Best Martial Arts School for Your Children and You

This is a very in depth look at choosing the best martial arts school for your children and for you. Linda Davis-Kyle has done...