Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

International Kickboxer Magazine

International Kickboxer Magazine

International Kickboxer Magazine was Australia's only kickboxing magazine that covered both the local and international scene. Kick boxing has been called the sport of the...

Number ONE: Reflections of Bruce Lee’s First Student, Jesse Glover

Some knew him as a friend… Some knew him as a teacher. Others simply knew him as an acquaintance. Whatever the capacity of ones...

Bando – Armed and Unarmed Combat From Burma

Despite the Chinese influences, Bando is credited as a style of armed and unarmed combat native to Burma. It is an assimilation of Karate-like...
Gatka Martial Arts

About Gatka

Gatka is commonly referred to as an India Martial art. Specifically Gatka refers to the martial art used by the of northern India. Actually...
Kenshiro Abbe Sensei

The Theory of Kyu-Shin-Do

Kyu = Desire – Yearn – Sphere – Circle – Search – Study. Shin = Heart – New – Spirit – True – To be...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions A

Abaniko: This Arnis striking technique uses a stick in a movement which resembles a fan motion. Acupressure: In this process, the channels through which chi, or life...
Donald Miskel

The Black Dragon Fighting Society, Origin and Operations

The Black Dragon Fighting Society can be traced back through Chicago to Japan; From Japan to China; From China to Mongolia. The IFAA Black...
Fraudulent Martial Arts Instructor

How to Determine A Fraudulent Martial Arts Instructor

by Christian Whitney ~ This is a controversial issue. Many websites on the Internet have articles regarding how best to spot a fraudulent instructor. A...
Patrick McCarthy Thinking Outside the Box

Think Outside the Box

Sometimes you don't know how to fit in until you break out.  Breaking out is necessary to penetrate deeper within. Introduction At 54 years old, Patrick...
John Curley

John A. Curley Books

John A. Curley books are written by a hard hitting private investigator and author who has obviously walked the streets he writes about and...

Kuntaw, Ancient Filipino Martial Art

Kuntaw is an ancient art of native Filipino hand and foot fighting using both hard and soft techniques. It is one of the oldest self-defense...
Leo Gaje, Jr.

Pekiti-Tirsia Kali

Kali is the indigenous fighting art of the Philippines. With its Cultural and Philosophical values its history traces back more than 1500 to 2000...

Musashi Miyamoto Quotes

Musash Miyamoto quotes are from A Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy by Musashi Miyamoto and other sources. “Both in fighting and in...
Living Lessons with Duke Tirschel

For Mike Genova its about Paying It Forward

The pay it forward concept in the movie, Pay It Forward, wasn't revolutionary. The Paying It Forward concept has a firm foundation in history.
Noah Gross Israeli Martial Arts History

Israeli Martial Arts – A Look Into History

Google the term Israeli martial arts and you get over 1.7 million pages. A quick glance at the Wikipedia entry will reveal two short lines...

Kung Fu Styles

The Chinese term kung fu can refer to any skill achieved through hard work and practice, but most people relate the term to Chinese...