Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Donald Miskel

Choices in a Dangerous Environment

The old have a tendency to do a lot of reminiscing. At sixty six I find myself looking back over my life. There are...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions O

O: “Big” or “great.” Obi: Belt. Obi-otoshi Belt drop Odachi:: See “tachi.” O-goshi: Major hip, hip technique O-guruma: Major wheel. Judo foot technique. Oi-zuki Step punch. Okuri-ashi-harai: sending foot sweep, Judo foot technique. Omote: “Front” or “obvious.” Oni ken: Extended knuckle fist. Orei: “Respect” or...
Donald Miskel

Mental Kung Fu: Use Your Mind

Use your mind as your first resource. Your first line of defense. Observe and always be aware of your surroundings and any possible impending...
Bruce Lee's Fighting Method

Bruce Lee’s Fighting Method: The Complete Edition

Vividly illustrating the techniques of a legendary innovator, Bruce Lee's Fighting Method: The Complete Edition is a defining examination explaining how to survive attacks...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Make Good Choices

Every day we are faced with myriad of choices. Most of the time, they seem pretty insignificant. I am hungry for a snack, should I...
Living Lessons with Duke Tirschel

Discover What You Have to Contribute

I don’t want to spend the life I have left just squeaking by, I’m going to “go for it”. When I say “squeaking by”...
Karate Fighting Techniques: The Complete Kumite

Karate Fighting Techniques: The Complete Kumite

Hirokazu Kanazawa is the renowned karate master in the world today, and a close disciple of Gichin Funakoshi, the father of modern karate and...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions R

Randori: Free sparring. Rei: (Ray) “Soul or Spirit” A bow that begins in the tan tien (seat of the soul located in the abdoinal area). The term...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Good Habits

It never ceases to amaze me at how easy it is to see my good habits slip away from me if I don’t guard...
Samurai Sword Shop

Japanese Samurai Swords – A Brief History Part 2

Muromachi Japanese Samurai swords were called odachi or nodachi, and they were longer than 1 meter (they sometimes measured 120-150cm). These long katana swords,...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Street Experience

As a martial arts and self defense teacher, I've joked about my lack of real world self defense experience, but I've had street experience.

Mitchell Eli On Lua

An in depth conversation with Mitchell Eli, a master of the ancient Hawaiian martial art of Lua. https://youtu.be/HB0Re_5kO54 https://youtu.be/ryd6gIkqjLI https://youtu.be/gC8BTG5HAt0 https://youtu.be/LmqhU1FWng4
Rank in the Martial Arts

There is Meaning to Rank in the Martial Arts

I don't understand why someone would fake their history and rank in the martial arts, it is their lineage, the lessons received and learned....
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

The Magical Power of Work Around It

One time I was having a discussion with a good friend of mine, Brian Higgins, about training. We were discussing strategies we both have...
Donald Miskel


Physically centering can save our lives in a confrontation. It can help us diffuse, deescalate, walk away from, or if necessary, physically deal with...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

The Tale of Two Innkeepers: Having The Right Attitude

Last summer, my son and I went on a two week seminar tour in the UK. We planned for a few days off in...