Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Don’t Settle Strive

At first glance, "don't settle strive" could be interpreted to mean ...Don't ever be happy with where you're at....always want more......get a bigger piece...
Kata and Prearranged Drills

Kata and Prearranged Drills Are About Cooperation

In today’s hypercompetitive society, where everyone is trying to outdo someone else, these kinds of traditional martial art drills are the closest we can...
Transitions from Student to Teacher

Transitions, From Student to Teacher

In this way Sensei Schneider seeks to assist me in making the transition from student to teacher of the martial arts. I suspect that like...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions J

Jeet Kune Do: (Cantonese) “Way of the intercepting fist.” A collection of basic mental and physical concepts, observations of combat maneuvers, and philosophies of attitude...
Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Ramblings . . .

Thank you for listening to the martial arts rambling of an old man. I appreciate your patience. Like many my age my martial arts...
Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse

Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse Review

I'm in love with a cantankerous old crone named Ramona Red Wolf. Don't ask; I'll explain later. I ran out to pick up the new...
Living Lessons with Duke Tirschel

Fear Scares Me

I don’t like bugs or cockroaches and I don’t know why. I don’t think they’re going to bite me or hurt me but I’m afraid...
Regulate Martial Arts

Governmental Attempts To Regulate Martial Arts

"Whether prompted by concerns of consumer protection, or opinions regarding instructor competency, governmental attempts to regulate martial arts are increasing. A.T.A.M.A. believes that the issue...
Donald Miskel

Do or Jitsu?

You are a martial artist, I understand. Tell me, what do you study; a "Do" or a "Jitsu"? Everyone who studies a martial discipline isn't...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Martial Arts Training is Life Altering

I love what martial arts training does for people. I am currently on my way home from a four day, back-to-back seminar tour. On Thursday,...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

What Martial Arts Training Does For People

I am currently on my way home from a four day, back-to-back seminar tour. On Thursday, I did a Business Boot Camp in Denver....
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Eating Mindfully

Eating Mindfully refers to eating in a calm, slow, deliberate way. What exactly is eating mindfully? Believe it or not, you have practiced eating mindfully plenty...
Memoirs of an American Samurai

Memoirs of an American Samurai

Gary Lee left Hawaii with a surfboard, a Black Belt, a copy of the 1969 Black Belt Magazine and dreams of being the best...
Fighting Strategies Of Muay Thai: Secrets of Thailand's Boxing Camps

Fighting Strategies Of Muay Thai: Secrets Of Thailand’s Boxing Camps

There are three elements of Muay Thai boxing: techniques, tactics and strategy. Most Muay Thai books deal only with techniques. Fighting Strategies of Muay...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions L

Lakan: The male black belt rank in the Filipino art of arnis. Lathi: “Staff.” An Indian fighting art centered around a cane or bamboo staff about five...
The Book of Five Rings

The Book of Five Rings: William Scott Wilson’s Translation

When the undefeated samurai Miyamoto Musashi retreated to a cave in 1643 and wrote The Book of Five Rings, a manifesto on swordsmanship, strategy,...