Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Half Empty or Half Full

I was talking to a casual friend at a party and he told me about his recent camping-trip-gone-wrong. He explained to me how, on...
Spiritual Aspect of Martial Arts

The Spiritual Aspects of the Martial Arts

Spiritual Aspects of Martial Arts Are Coming Out of the Closet The martial arts are often misunderstood by John Q. Public. Terms like karate, jujutsu,...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Dave Kovar’s Daily Five Points of Focus

Dave Kovar's Daily Five Points of Focus Keep my center. Value my relationships. Know where I am going. Have a plan to get there. If I fall, get right...

Empty Hand Revolution: The Unfinished Life of Cosmo Zimik

The war defines the warrior. Born into a tribal war with India, trained as a Black Belt and street fighter from the age of nine,...

Powerful Punch Comes From The Brain

Brain scans have revealed distinctive features in the brain structure of karate experts which correlate with punching ability. The powerful punch comes from the...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions U

Uchi: Strike. Uchi deshi: “Apprentice.” An old Japanese practice where a student was apprenticed to a martial arts master in order to become an instructor in turn. Uchi-mata: Inner...
The 1-2 Punch for Fast Weight Loss

The One-Two Punch for FAST Fat Loss

How many times have you looked in the mirror and wished that you could make your belly fat vanish before your eyes? Unsightly fat...
Living Lessons with Duke Tirschel

Put Off Thy Shoes…

In the world of Martial Arts I've heard a lot of reasons why we remove our shoes before we go "on the mat". Now,...
Chase Perfection in the Martial Arts

Chase Perfection in Your Martial Arts Training

“Don't mistake activity for achievement” Coach John Wooden “Don’t mistake activity for achievement” says Coach John Wooden. I have used this quote often in my...
Donald Miskel

Keyboard Kumite: The Act of Cyber Bullying

These days I am seeing a new type of bully. They're called cyber bullies. I consider them bullies of the first magnitude. Over the...
Living the Martial Way

Living the Martial Way

Forrest E. Morgan is the author of Living The Martial Way, a step-by-step approach to applying the Japanese warrior's mind set to martial training...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

I’m A Better Person After You Leave The Room

I am fortunate to have a great relationship with my two children. Although they are well behaved and respectful when they should be, there...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions I

I: “Will,” “mind,” or “intent.” Iai: “Swordplay.” A sword exercise employing a series of thrusting and cutting techniques while drawing and returning the blade. Iaido: “Way of the sword.”...
Transitions from Student to Teacher

Transitions, From Student to Teacher

In this way Sensei Schneider seeks to assist me in making the transition from student to teacher of the martial arts. I suspect that like...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions J

Jeet Kune Do: (Cantonese) “Way of the intercepting fist.” A collection of basic mental and physical concepts, observations of combat maneuvers, and philosophies of attitude...
Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Ramblings . . .

Thank you for listening to the martial arts rambling of an old man. I appreciate your patience. Like many my age my martial arts...