Stephen Spivey’s American Combat System
American Combat System (A.C.S.). A.C.S. was created in 1993 by Stephen Spivey. The system is a blend of Stephen's influences and experiences. This style...
System Continuity, A Key Component in a Self Defense System
A Must Have
There are many key components that make up a good reality based self defense system. Knowing the psychology of an aggressor, using...
Christian Martial Arts, Rank and Promotion
What I do want to discuss is the difference in rank and promotion between a Christian martial arts organization and a secular one. The...
Eric Greitens’ The Heart and the Fist
The Education of a Humanitarian, the Making of a Navy SEAL
“Meet my hero—Eric Greitens. His life and this book remind us that America remains...
Keyboard Kumite: The Act of Cyber Bullying
These days I am seeing a new type of bully. They're called cyber bullies. I consider them bullies of the first magnitude. Over the...
Sport Karate Museum History Generals
Sport Karate History Generals are martial artists who have a "sport history" in the martial arts. History General's are men and women who are...
The Journey to Black Belt: Begin the Journey to Transform Your Life!
A martial arts book by Kevin Brett, Author of "The Way of the Martial Artist: Achieving Success in Martial Arts and in Life!" The...
Masters Hall Of Fame Magazine
The Masters Hall Of Fame Magazine is designed to keep you abreast of what is going on in the martial arts community. You don't...
There is Meaning to Rank in the Martial Arts
I don't understand why someone would fake their history and rank in the martial arts, it is their lineage, the lessons received and learned....
Spirit Boxing
The line between a journeyman or practitioner and a master practitioner is a fine one. As one advances into the dan ranks he'll begin...
The Leo Fong Martial Arts Connection
The stories you are about to read are true and are as accurate as the old sensei remembers. There are many lessons learned at...
First Karate Championship Live TV Broadcast
Here is a sport karate story you may have heard about in rumors or as the guys gathered after a tournament or maybe from...
The Lesson of the Forty Brooms
The stories you are about to read are true and have been lived out by the Old Sensei. There are lessons to be learned...
The Great Linda Denley
Margret Beasley earned seven Golden Greek Awards from Texas, the highest number ever awarded since the death of Demetrius "The Golden Greek" Havanas in...
Kung Fu of the Mind: The Mental Aspects of the Martial Arts
In our last discussion, I spoke on the subject of Spirit Boxing. In this article, I would like to discuss Kung Fu of the...
Karate Kid: The Benefits of Martial Arts
With a bloodcurdling cry, your 6-year-old leaps into the air in a karate kick, raising your hair and blood pressure simultaneously. Before you panic...