The Role of Chuck Norris In Our Lives
The role of Chuck Norris has always been a positive one in our lives. It started for my family when I was only 4...
The Image Was Me
When I stepped up to the bar it all came clear, I really forgot. In the mirror behind the pretty little bartender I saw...
Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse Review
I'm in love with a cantankerous old crone named Ramona Red Wolf. Don't ask; I'll explain later.
I ran out to pick up the new...
Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse
Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse is a gripping and adventure-filled novel, one man reluctantly takes charge of an underground war that has...
Gordon Richiusa: Five Bird System
When is a style really a style? What makes a fighter a martial artist? And what do we call a style that is founded...
Conceptual Modern Arnis By Bram Frank
Bram Frank's book, Conceptual Modern Arnis, is a seldom seen view of Arnis or Modern Arnis, the Filipino fighting art of Professor Remy Pesas, as...
Promote Peace: Harmony and Unity in the Martial Arts Community
Anyone who knows me knows that I promote peace, harmony and unity in the martial arts community. Since the martial arts became popular in...
Put Off Thy Shoes…
In the world of Martial Arts I've heard a lot of reasons why we remove our shoes before we go "on the mat". Now,...
The Spiritual Aspects of the Martial Arts
Spiritual Aspects of Martial Arts Are Coming Out of the Closet
The martial arts are often misunderstood by John Q. Public. Terms like karate, jujutsu,...
Do or Jitsu?
You are a martial artist, I understand. Tell me, what do you study; a "Do" or a "Jitsu"?
Everyone who studies a martial discipline isn't...
Home Safe
People who've played baseball, and who now walk up to the plate in life, know how hard it is to hit the ball and...
Is There a Caveman Lurking Inside You?
Our intuitive senses and instinctive reactions have been dulled by modern conveniences and "fingertip" technology. Society is also more "civilized", governed by laws and...
The Sovereignty of God
I found this illustration from Dr. A. W. Tozer's The Knowledge of the Holy to be a very appropriate view of the sovereignty of God.
"An ocean...
Martial Arts Photography – The Early Days
It's hard to believe an article on martial arts photography would start out, "In the "old days" there was film... a piece of celluloid...
Facing the Challenge of Self
In this journey there are many roads that we walk at different junctures of our lives. If nothing else, we learn that in this...
Reality-Based Personal Protection
Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection will not only teach you the most up-to-date police, military, security, bodyguard, martial arts, and counterterrorism techniques and training...