Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Osias Banaag

The Origin of Sikaran

Sikaran is a contact sport, game, contest or tournament that uses both hands and feet to parry an attack by an opponent, normally a...
FMA Digest

Filipino Martial Arts Digest Volumes

USAdojo.com shares published by Steven K. Dowd's FILIPINO MARTIAL ARTS DIGEST VOLUMES with our readers. FILIPINO MARTIAL ARTS DIGEST provides articles, information, events, news,...
American Combat System

Stephen Spivey’s American Combat System

American Combat System (A.C.S.). A.C.S. was created in 1993 by Stephen Spivey. The system is a blend of Stephen's influences and experiences. This style...
Hank Hayes' You've Been Lied To

You’ve Been Lied To . . . The Untold Story About Addiction Treatments

Hank Hayes here from No Lie Blades and NLB Defensive Measures tactical fighting system, and I want to share with you about my book,...
Loyalty to the Nation

Loyalty to the Nation

“I shall have loyalty to the Nation, Sir!” It is how every martial arts class begins, when you train in Tae Kwon Do. We do...
Get Real with Dan Meadows

How A Disaster Disarmed America, Or Was It Something Else?

There is no doubt that Mother Nature is a formidable opponent. Her beauty and her wrath can change on us in a moment’s notice...
Fumio Demura Books

Books By Fumio Demura

Fumio Demura was born in Yokohama, Japan in 1938. He is a Japanese martial artist and martial arts teacher and he is a 9th...
Living Lessons with Duke Tirschel

The Wade’s of Russell Springs

You never know who you're talking with when you're talking to a child. They may be a professional athlete some day, the one who...
The Limitless Spirit by Marilyn Fierro

The Limitless Spirit of the Martial Arts

In the early 1970s Marilyn Fierro found herself pursuing a way of life that was supposed to be closed to women - the martial...
Muay Thai Chakrit – A Brooklyn Monk in Bangkok

Muay Thai Chakrit – A Brooklyn Monk in Bangkok

Coach Adjan Chakrit teaches Muay Thai Chaki style, he moves in circles, holding up the focus mitts, he calls out the commands. “One, one...

Carlos Gracie and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jujutsu or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (abbreviated to BJJ) is a modern, cutting edge, style of martial art that was developed from judo and the...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions Y

Yama-arashi: Mountain storm. Hand technique Yang: “Active” or “positive.” In ying-yang theory, the positive aspect associated with what is described as centrifugal, expansive and extroversive. Yari: Spear. Yikwon: Backfist. Yin: “Passive” or “negative.”...
Donald Miskel

Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do’s Effect On Martial Arts

Before I embark on this one sided discussion let me do a disclaimer. I am not trying to send you into communication overload with...
Living Lessons with Duke Tirschel

Living Life to the Fullest Means Living Well

So many of us want to hit that home run rather than be the runner on first base, even if we're the run needed to...
Martial Edge

Martial Edge

Martial edge was a free online community in the UK for martial arts students. It was the world's most intuitive online community for martial...
Scott Sonnon Practicing Sambo

The True History of Combat Sambo

The Timeline of Sambo’s Evolution This history of Sambo matches Winston Churchill’s description of Russia as a “riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.”...