Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

52 Blocks or Jailhouse Rock

By Phil Elmore ~ Jailhouse Rock, Comstock, Closing Gates, or 52 Blocks is alleged to be a prison fighting system — a martial art...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

There is No Place Like Home Let’s Appreciate it

My son Alex and I just returned from a two-week trip to Nepal and there is no place like home. We were invited there...
Kung Fu Styles

About Kung Fu Styles

The de-generalized list of Kung Fu Styles below was prepared for USADOJO.COM by Sijo Robert Z of the Shaolin Academy. According to Sijo Z,...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

What is your desired outcome?

I recently received an email from a business associate of mine regarding an issue we are trying to work through. The two of us...
Gichin Funakoshi's Guidelines For Life

Gichin Funakoshi’s Guidelines For Life

During O’Sensei Gichin Funakoshi’s life and karate training, he developed a philosophy he believed every Karateka (Karate student) should follow in order to develop...
Luca Cavallotto's Aikido in Berlin

Luca Cavallotto Photographer – Aikido in Berlin

Young Italian Photographer, Luca Cavallotto, shares his love for Aikido with his black and white photos of Aikido in Berlin. Perhaps the youngest Japanese martial art,...
Donald Miskel

Dishonor in the Martial Arts

Most of you who read this know who I am and you know my reputation. You may not all like me or agree with...
Soke Teruo Hayashi Teaching

Choosing the Best Martial Arts School for Your Children and You

This is a very in depth look at choosing the best martial arts school for your children and for you. Linda Davis-Kyle has done...
The Adventures of Ichi & His Friends

The Adventures of Ichi & His Friends: The Journey to Mountain Temple

Produced by the Martial Arts History Museum, The Adventures of Ichi & His Friends: The Journey to Mountain Temple is Book One in a...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Good Habits

It never ceases to amaze me at how easy it is to see my good habits slip away from me if I don’t guard...
Shotokan Style of Martial Arts


The term Shotokan was derived from Gichin Funakoshi's first official dojo built in 1936 at Mejiro. The dojo was destroyed in 1945 by allied...
Studying Martial Arts

Power vs. Technique

A common refrain heard at many McDojo’s is the hyperbolic truism that “Size/Strength doesn't matter.” Do me a favor. If you ever hear a sensei...

A History of Kempo or Kenpo

The art of Kempo, also written as Kenpo, is unique as far as its history goes in two respects; it is considered by many...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions A

Abaniko: This Arnis striking technique uses a stick in a movement which resembles a fan motion. Acupressure: In this process, the channels through which chi, or life...
Tae Soo Do

Tae Soo Do

Tae Soo Do was created by Supreme Grandmaster Dr. Joo Bang Lee as an undergraduate program to Hwa Rang Do®. Like Karate and Tae...
Jiu-Jitsu Magazine

Jiu-Jitsu Magazine

Jiu-Jitsu Magazine is a the leading jiu-jitsu publication around the world. It is a bi-monthly magazine dedicated solely to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and all its...