Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Living Lessons: To Be Offended Or Not To Be Offended

I was recently in Australia with my daughter. We had great time doing a series of seminars. In the middle of the trip, we...
Dane Harden's Living Lessons


Once upon the time there was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon...
Vickie Simos

My Martial Arts Training Journey

By Vickie Simos ~ I was in need of some perspective after a somewhat mundane and routine existence, so I decided to give up...
Michael Sullenger

Reflections On Martial Arts Studies

Introduction While talking with two of my newest students a few years ago, I discussed with them various experiences I’d had throughout my years in...

 Gavin J. Poffley Translates The Spirit of the Sword By Nakamura Taisaburo

“The Spirit of the Sword was a great joy for me to read; I now have the immense satisfaction of finally understanding Nakamura Taisaburo’s...
Donald Miskel

Ushi Deshi: Students of the Heart

In my fifty five plus years of studying, researching and teaching the martial arts I have had only a few personal, closed door students....
Sport Karate

Sport Karate Organizations

Karate is divided into different style organizations. These organizations often cooperate in non-style specific sport karate organizations or federations. Examples of sport organizations are...

Modern Sport Taekwondo

Modern Sport Taekwondo has developed in the decades since the 1950's and  its emphasis is on speed and competition, as in Olympic sparring. Modern sport...
Hank Hayes' You've Been Lied To

You’ve Been Lied To . . . The Untold Story About Addiction Treatments

Hank Hayes here from No Lie Blades and NLB Defensive Measures tactical fighting system, and I want to share with you about my book,...
Haiku for Miyamoto Musashi

Haiku for Miyamoto Musashi

Dedicated to the Book of Five Rings one hundred haiku Musashi your voice is mine I am your wisdom In this brief volume I have created a series of...
Donald Miskel

White Belt Karate for The Black Belt Fighter

White belt karate perfected to black belt level is karate at its efficient best. Let’s get back to real karate. Leave the esoteric stuff...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out About How to Change Your Attitude

In this video, Sensei Ryan Speaks out and explains how to use physiology and the Rule of 3 to change your attitude when something bad happens to...
The British Aikido Tree

The British Aikido Tree

The British Aikido Tree is a graphic illustration of all the early teachers from the arrival of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei to Britain in 1955....
Dane Harden's Living Lessons

The Elephant and the Blind Students

Once upon a time there were three blind students, who were martial artists.  Each of them diligently studied their styles of fighting and each...
Sports Karate and Traditional Fighting

Karate the Practical Fighting Art

A Karate block can also be a strike, lock or take down throw! The disciplined and dedicated practice of Karate, the practical fighting art, can...
Donald Miskel

Building On a Preexisting Foundation

Archaeologists often find older cities beneath cities that rose up later. I’m not sure why that is but maybe it is because they use...