Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Fight for Country and Family

Balance the Warrior and the Yogi: What is a Righteous Fight?

Perhaps you’re more enlightened than me. But in the event that this article can help you as it has me, I’d like to share...
Martial Arts Helps Asthma

Martial Arts Exercises Good for Asthma Patients

Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases of the airways of the lungs. In developed countries it affects 7- 10 % of population, and it has got...

The Old Japanese Fisherman

I have many fond memories of martial arts events from my childhood in Hawaii. There are things I will never forget, like watching the...

A Tribute To Dana Stamos

Dana Stamos exemplifies what being a woman used to mean. She’s kind and gentle. Loving and patient and she leans more toward redemption than reciprocity.
Noah Gross Israeli Martial Arts History

Israeli Martial Arts – A Look Into History

Google the term Israeli martial arts and you get over 1.7 million pages. A quick glance at the Wikipedia entry will reveal two short lines...
John Piper Iaido

Iai or Batto

The very word Iai is the subject of numerous grading essays and has many layers of meaning but its basic interpretation seems to be...
Kung Fu

Kung Fu

Kung fu is an almost impossible category. Kung fu is attached to almost any martial art that comes from China. It is the generic name for...

Bram Frank Knives Book

Bram Frank Knives is a 30+ year look at the knives of Bram Frank discussing why he designs knives, the progression from idea to drawing to Cad and finally to steel.

Why is Jujutsu Spelled So Many Different Ways

Arguably, Jujutsu is the most frequently misspelled word in the martial arts. The words used, vary from “Ju” to “Jiu” or “Jiuy,” and the...

Basic Sumo Terms

Banzuke: An ordered list of men fighting up through the ranks of professional Sumo; a ranking sheet. Basho: A sumo tournament. In a sanctioned competition,...
Donald Miskel

You give your opponent an idea what to expect.

I tried some iron palm training back in the day with my praying mantis (kung fu) instructor at the time. He didn’t go in...
Karate International Magazine

Karate International Magazine

We are very excited to be able to provide back issues of Michael De Pasquale, Jr's Karate International Magazine. The first issue of Karate...
Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Ramblings . . .

Thank you for listening to the martial arts rambling of an old man. I appreciate your patience. Like many my age my martial arts...
Ying Yang

Wing Chun Taoism: Effortless Fighting

"To return to source is true knowing. To be simple is to be truly complex. To let go is to truly grasp." Wing Chun Taoism...
Grand Master Chae T. Goh's Moo Doo

Grand Master Chae T. Goh’s Moo Do

Grand Master Chae T. Goh was a student and teacher of several martial arts in Japan, Korea and Vietnam before coming to the United...
Martial Arts Training and Children

When is a Child Ready To Begin Martial Arts Training

A common question asked by parents considering enrolling their children in a martial arts class is how young a child can begin martial arts...