Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Spiritual Aspect of Martial Arts

The Spiritual Aspects of the Martial Arts

Spiritual Aspects of Martial Arts Are Coming Out of the Closet The martial arts are often misunderstood by John Q. Public. Terms like karate, jujutsu,...
Fiaz Rafiq Book Covers

Books By Fiaz Rafiq

Ultimate Conversations: The Baddest Fighters on the Planet A unique and critically acclaimed book looks at the greatest UFC champions and super stars of the...
Michelle Wood Editor of Yang-Sheng Magazine

Improvisational Movement

This article is dedicated to Ms. Michelle Wood, former editor of Yang-Sheng magazine. True improvisational movement is a form or level of movement which expresses...
Beyond The Physical: A martial artist is an artist of life!

Beyond the Physical By Richard Kim

Beyond the Physical By Richard Kim covers over 320 topics discussed by a man sometimes known as the Pied Piper of Martial Arts Richard...
Krabi Krabong Martial Arts

The Last Thai Sword Master

Flashes of steel the clank of metal, blades blazing like fire: This is a practice session for Kru Pedro Villalobos and his trainer, Adjarn,...
Tom Bleecker on Unsettled Matters: The Life and Death of Bruce Lee

Unsettled Matters: The Life and Death of Bruce Lee

This is the second edition of the 1996 biography Unsettled Matters: The Life and Death of Bruce Lee about the martial arts icon Bruce...
Hagakure: The Secret Wisdom of the Samurai

Hagakure: The Secret Wisdom of the Samurai

The Hagakure is one of the most influential of all Japanese texts—written nearly 300 years ago by Yamamoto Tsunetomo to summarize the very essence...
Korean Yudo

Korean Vocabulary

If you have studied Tang Soo Do or another Korean martial art you have probably heard these Korean vocabulary words and terms used in your...
Ta Mo of Kung Fu and Wu Shu

Kung Fu and Wushu

Kung Fu: The Short Explanation In general, Kung Fu is a label used to describe any martial art that comes from China. It is the...
The Ninja Way: The Story of the Israeli Dojo by Ilan Gattegno

The Ninja Way: The Story of the Israeli Dojo

While writing the upcoming book “It Takes a Ninja,” Ilan Gattegno realized that many of his published writings on the Bujinkan were no longer...
Ask Dr. Robyn

The Value of Anger Management

Dr. Robyn Silverman - Author, Speaker, Child/Teen Development Expert and creator of the Industry's number one personal development / life skills / character education...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

How Would You

How would you breathe if you were totally calm and confident? Breathe like that. How would you walk if you were amazingly vibrant and healthy?...
Julio Anta

Shaolin Temple and Southern Shaolin Kung Fu

There are numerous accounts and legends of the origins and history of the Shaolin Temple. In my humble opinion this is the story of...
Ask Dr. Robyn

3 Things to Do Instead of Scream at Your Kids

Let’s face it. A long day with the kids or a long day at work can leave the most patient moms feeling exhausted and...
Conceptual Modern Arnis by Bram Frank

Conceptual Modern Arnis By Bram Frank

Bram Frank's book, Conceptual Modern Arnis, is a seldom seen view of Arnis or Modern Arnis, the Filipino fighting art of Professor Remy Pesas, as...
Donald Miskel

The Deadliest Man Alive (Getting Over Ourselves)

Personally I think I’m on the deadliest man alive list. My natural ability, my conditioning, my physical prowess and my superior training puts me...