Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

How to Remember Names

Do you forget the name of people you meet immediately after they say it to you? Do you want to learn how to remember...
Traditional Karate?

What is Traditional Karate?

The title of this article is "What is Traditional Karate?" And that may seem like a strange question for a traditional karateka to ask!...
Sensei on the Road: Avi Nardia

Sensei On The Road: Avi Nardia

Avi Nardia has traveled all over the world in the last few years: Thailand, Canada, the United States, Africa, England, Italy, Australia, South America,...
Five Years, One Kata

Five Years, One Kata

Five Years, One Kata by Bill Burgar is a book for advanced karateka typically 2nd dan and above and gives the reader a unique...
Shotokan Style of Martial Arts


The term Shotokan was derived from Gichin Funakoshi's first official dojo built in 1936 at Mejiro. The dojo was destroyed in 1945 by allied...
Living Lessons with Duke Tirschel

In God’s Corner

My name is Shelly Loven, I am Chuck Loven's daughter. He passed away on October 6th and his Memorial Service was on October 23rd....
Valley of the Damned

Valley of the Damned, An Epic Martial Arts Poem By Douglas Laurent

Valley of the Damned Epic Martial Arts Poem By Douglas Laurent is an action-adventure Martial-arts story and is designed as an interactive karate kata,...
Martial Arts Styles Do Exist

Martial Arts Styles Do Exist

Recently, I saw a Facebook video of a grappling competition, between a freestyle wrestler and a Brazilian Jujitsu practitioner. There are a lot of...
Ask Dr. Robyn

OverProtective Parents: Helpful or Harmful?

My mom and I were speaking on the phone yesterday about a recent New York Times article on overprotective parents called “helicopter parents,” their...
The Budo Karate of Mas Oyama

Mr. Cameron Quinn’s Book: The Budo Karate of Mas Oyama

The first of October (1987) is the date for the world release of the newest and most unique book on Kyokushin Karate for years,...

Kum Do

Kum Do (Kendo) - The art of sword fencing Guhapdo (Iado) - The art of drawing the sword and cutting Ki Kong -...
Kids Participating in Martial Arts

10 Things Learned by Kids Participating in Martial Arts

Martialinfo shared this great list of 10 things kids learn from studying the martial arts! To parents that have little experience with the world of...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Wrap Up Extension Cords, Ropes or Cables

Never fight with tangled cables again! The best way in the world to wrap up extension cords is by using the basic or advanced...
My Karate Odyssey

My Karate Odyssey by Hoosain Narker

My Karate Odyssey By Hoosain Narker is the true story about how a man's spirit is developed under the harsh “Apartheid” regime in South...
Balance in Eating and Diet

Balance and Discipline

You can never be too rich or to thin. We’ve all heard that old saying before. Of course, it’s a ridiculous thing to say. There’s...
Hank Hayes' You've Been Lied To

You’ve Been Lied To . . . The Untold Story About Addiction Treatments

Hank Hayes here from No Lie Blades and NLB Defensive Measures tactical fighting system, and I want to share with you about my book,...