Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Muay Thai

Muay Thai Kawila

“Ten in a row on each side.” Said the coach. If he had been talking about punches I might have been OK. But it was...
The Gracies and the Birth of Vale Tudo

Vale Tudo

The term Vale Tudo comes from the name of a television show that aired in Brazil starting in the 1960s. The show was a...
MMA in Malaysia

MMA in Malaysia, The Sport of a New Generation

The bell rings, and Malaysian national san da team member Raymond Tiew flies out of his corner, ready to do battle. His opponent, Kong...
Martial Arts Schools & Businesses Directory

The Martial Arts Schools Directory, A Hidden Gem

The Martial Arts Schools Directory is a hidden gem for people looking for a martial arts school and a treasure hidden in plain sight...


"The aim of Judo is to utilize physical and mental strength most effectively. Its training is to understand the true meaning of life through...
Living Lessons with Duke Tirschel

The Image Was Me

When I stepped up to the bar it all came clear, I really forgot. In the mirror behind the pretty little bartender I saw...
Duke Tirschel

You Are You And You Always Were You!

He said, "Richard, you are you and you always were you. You're not what you do or what you call yourself...
Ask Dr. Robyn

3 Ways to Teach Your Kids to Be Media Literate

How can you teach your kids to be media literate in a world that delivers their messages in surround sound? Buy this! Lose weight! Build...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan’s 10 Best Flying Martial Arts Throws

PART 1 - You know what is way more awesome than kicking and punching? Flying Jujitsu Throws! These 10 Best Flying Martial Arts Throws,...
Jigoro Kano

Kodokan Judo

Judo, or the Way of Gentleness, an ideal form of physical exercise and a reliable system, of self-defense, was specially created from traditional Japanese...
Life's Too Short . . . and So Am I

Life’s Too Short . . . and So Am I

Terry Wilson is hilarious. He is a wonderfully gifted martial artist and martial arts instructor who will keep you laughing while you learn. Terry...
Shotokan Karate

Shotokan Karate

Shotokan is a style of karate, developed from various martial arts by Gichin Funakoshi (1868-1957) and his son Gigo (Yoshitaka) Funakoshi (1906-1945). Gichin was...
John Donohue's Sensei

Sensei: A Connor Burke Martial Arts Thriller

In John Donohue's novel, Sensei: A Connor Burke Martial Arts Thriller, we find that in every case, the modus operandi is the same, and...
Ask Dr. Robyn

Goal Setting Secrets for the New Year!

Success Coach, Speaker, Author, and the creator of the Powerful Words Character Development System shares a quick and easy 5 step goal setting and...
In Search of the Ninja: The Historical Truth of Ninjutsu

In Search of the Ninja: The Historical Truth of Ninjutsu

If you are interested in espionage, Asian martial arts or, to be more precise, the ninja? If you are someone who honors and appreciates...

The Olivet Eagles Middle School Football Players Execute Life Changing Play

As part of their continuing series "Living Lessons," Steve Hartman meets the Olivet Eagles, a middle school football team who took a fledgling player...