Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.


The Term Dojo

This is not an attempt to give either a history of Buddhism or Zen-Buddhisms  arrival and its impact on Japan. It is only meant...
The Great Women of the Martial Arts

The Great Women of the Martial Arts

The Great Women of The Martial Arts is a book about women in the martial arts complied by Ted Gambordella. This book includes the following...
The Martial Arts Woman

The Martial Arts Woman: Motivational Stories of Human Triumph

The Martial Arts Woman shares the stories and insights of more than twenty-five women in the martial arts, and how they apply martial arts...
Donald Miskel

To Whom It May Concern: The Black Dragon Fighting Society A Family

Or perhaps I should say to whom it doesn’t concern. As a minister and pastor as well as a martial artist I like to...

Young Samurai – The Way of the Warrior Review

On the Book Trail Review of Young Samurai - The Way of the Warrior ReviewBy Payal Kapadia Young Samurai - The Way of the Warrior...


Kyudo, which literally means The Way of the Bow, is considered by many to be the purest of all the martial ways. In the...
Electronic Journals of Martial Arts and Sciences

Electronic Journal of the Martial Arts & Sciences

The Electronic Journal of the Martial Arts & Sciences, or EJMAS, was a project developed to bring academic and popular e-journals concerning various aspects...
Ip Man Quote

Find Your Full Potential in Martial Arts

What is that "something more" that practicing martial arts can provide? Isn't martial arts just about getting in shape and learning to fight? If...
Ask Dr. Robyn

3 Things to Do Instead of Scream at Your Kids

Let’s face it. A long day with the kids or a long day at work can leave the most patient moms feeling exhausted and...
Kapap – Krav Panim El Panim

Understanding Israeli Martial Arts

To understand Israeli martial arts you need to understand the history of Israel and why the art was developed in the first place, and...
Peter Lorge Book on Chinese Martial Arts

Peter Lorge on the Development of Chinese Archery Part 2

Peter Lorge on Chinese Martial Arts: From Antiquity to the 21st Century Part 1 GC: Your book charts the development of Chinese archery. Today, archery...
Peter Lorge Book on Chinese Martial Arts

Peter Lorge The History of Chinese Martial Arts By Dynasty Part 1

Peter Lorge on Chinese Martial Arts: From Antiquity to the 21st Century Part 2 In the beginning of 2012, Peter Lorge, an Assistant Professor of...
Discipline, Respect and Goals

Why Kids and Martial Arts Can Be a Great Match

Martial arts can help kids learn more about discipline, respect, concentration and empathy. Learn if it is right for your child. All parents want their...
Honor in Judo and Life

HONOR in Judo and in Life

Virtue is the fount whence honor springs. ~ Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) A salient feature of the samurai’s code of conduct was honor. Usually regarded as...
Jiu-Jitsu Magazine

Jiu-Jitsu Magazine

Jiu-Jitsu Magazine is a the leading jiu-jitsu publication around the world. It is a bi-monthly magazine dedicated solely to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and all its...

Sam Sheridan Books

The Fighter's Mind: Inside the Mental Game In his acclaimed national best seller, A Fighter’s Heart, Sam Sheridan took readers with him as he stepped...