Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Donald Miskel

Choices in a Dangerous Environment

The old have a tendency to do a lot of reminiscing. At sixty six I find myself looking back over my life. There are...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Don’t Speak Badly of Someone . . .

"If you must speak badly of someone, don't speak it, but write it... in the sand, at the water's edge, near the waves." ~ Anonymous
Chang Tien Temple Tiger Claw Kungfu

Chang Tien Temple Tiger Claw Kungfu

Introduction of Chang Tien Temple Tiger Claw Kungfu The Ch’ang Tien Temple Set is a Chinese Kung-Fu form that belongs to the Tiger Claw Kung-Fu style...

Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu : Siu Lim Tao APP

Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu : Siu Lim Tao App By Sakari Games Description: The Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu: Siu Lim Tao App...
Funakoshi: The Gift of Karate

Funakoshi: The Gift of Karate

My favorite Gichin Funakoshi quote is: “Everything you encounter is an aspect of karate: find the marvelous truth there.” Did he say “everything?” Wow! I...

The Vietnamese Art of Cuong Nhu

The Vietnamese martial art of Cuong Nhu was born in 1965. Although its peers may consider the system a “youngster”; Cuong Nhu’s foundation is as...

Bong Soo Han and Hapkido, The Total Weapon

Hapkido Grand Master Bong Soo Han rocketed to fame in the 70’s when he choreographed and performed in the hit movie “Billy Jack.”   He...
Kapap – Krav Panim El Panim

KAPAP: Krav Panim el Panim, The Art of Gaku Jutsu-Do

Gaku Jutsu-Do - the traditional way of teaching and learning Martial Arts. KAPAP (Krav Panim el Panim - face-to-face combat) is a Martial Art form...
The 47th Ronin

The 47th Ronin by Dana Abbott

The 47th Ronin is a collection of adventurous stories written by Shihan Dana Abbott. He spent years of study in Japan to master the...

The Olivet Eagles Middle School Football Players Execute Life Changing Play

As part of their continuing series "Living Lessons," Steve Hartman meets the Olivet Eagles, a middle school football team who took a fledgling player...
Fight for Country and Family

Balance the Warrior and the Yogi: What is a Righteous Fight?

Perhaps you’re more enlightened than me. But in the event that this article can help you as it has me, I’d like to share...
Gracie Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: Groundfighting Dissected

Anyone who's been involved in the martial arts for the past 10 years has heard of Gracie jujitsu ("GJJ"). A Brazilian modification of old-time...

The Art and the Way By Robert Hunt

The Art and the Way By Robert Hunt begins in the 15th century when a young Okinawan boy is initiated into the martial arts of...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Living Lessons: Brief Moments of Clarity

Brief Moments of Clarity was born of author Dave Kovar's ongoing quest to learn how he could be at his best - emotionally, spiritually,...
Patrick McCarthy Thinking Outside the Box

Think Outside the Box

Sometimes you don't know how to fit in until you break out.  Breaking out is necessary to penetrate deeper within. Introduction At 54 years old, Patrick...
Martial Myths

Martial Arts Myths

The martial arts myths that really irritate me the most revolve around fighting and self-defense, and students regularly ask me about these. I've listed...