Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Choosing the Right Teacher

The Right Stuff – Choosing the Good Teacher

Choosing the good teacher in a different martial art may be better than training with a bad teacher in the martial art you want to study. For years, I...
Krav Maga or Q'rabh Magga

Krav Maga or Q’rabh Magga

Krav Maga or Q'rabh Magga (lit. "contact combat", "close combat" or "full contact") is an eclectic hand-to-hand combat system developed in Israel that involves...
Taekwondo Times Magazine

Tae Kwon Do Times Magazine

Tae Kwon Do Times Magazine is your community source for all martial arts including Kuk Sool, Hapkido, Hanmudo, Yudo, Tang Soo Do, Choi Kwang...
Ken Park Family Secrets of a Korean Martial Arts Clan

Ken Park Family Secrets of a Korean Martial Arts Clan

There was a time when the only way a person could learn a martial art was to be taught that skill in secret, usually...
Military Burial at Sea

LtCol George Goodson and A Burial At Sea

LtCol George Goodson, USMC (Ret) ~ In my 76th year, the events of my life appear to me, from time to time, as a...
Donald Miskel

Bruce Tegner Demystified The Martial Arts

The martial arts are my passion. When I was a youth I proclaimed that, “karate is my life”. I’ve since grown past that kind...

America’s Next Great Trainer: ANGT is TV Magazines and More

America's Next Great Trainer or ANGT is a brand featuring trainers, coaches and instructors. Leading experts in the world of sports, health, fitness, nutrition,...
The Shaolin Butterfly Style Book

The Shaolin Butterfly Style – Art of Transformation

Sifu Michael Fuchs is proud to announce the release of his book, The Shaolin Butterfly Style - Art of Transformation. This book unveils to...
Gordon Richiusa 5 Bird System

Gordon Richiusa: Five Bird System

When is a style really a style? What makes a fighter a martial artist? And what do we call a style that is founded...
American Combat System

Stephen Spivey’s American Combat System

American Combat System (A.C.S.). A.C.S. was created in 1993 by Stephen Spivey. The system is a blend of Stephen's influences and experiences. This style...
Loyalty to the Nation

Loyalty to the Nation

“I shall have loyalty to the Nation, Sir!” It is how every martial arts class begins, when you train in Tae Kwon Do. We do...

Krabi Krabang: The Art of Sword and Staff Fighting in Thailand

The Krabi Krabang weapons system is hundreds of years old. Its weapons are made of wood such as rattan. In contests, opponents attack and...
Muay Thai Chakrit – A Brooklyn Monk in Bangkok

Muay Thai Chakrit – A Brooklyn Monk in Bangkok

Coach Adjan Chakrit teaches Muay Thai Chaki style, he moves in circles, holding up the focus mitts, he calls out the commands. “One, one...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out About Mind Control

In this webisode Sensei Ryan Speaks Out about mind control. We control our minds, not the other way around. Don't let your mind take...
Leave your ego at the door

The Most Difficult Journey

Just a few years ago a group of Krav Maga practitioner's tried to gain market-share with the only skill they knew, slander. They tried...
Descriptions of Internal Arts

Descriptions of Internal Martial Arts

Regarding Falun, if you look at their situation, you have to realize that they are at least partly to blame for their troubles in...