Good Habits
It never ceases to amaze me at how easy it is to see my good habits slip away from me if I don’t guard...
How Would You
How would you breathe if you were totally calm and confident? Breathe like that.
How would you walk if you were amazingly vibrant and healthy?...
Musashi Miyamoto Quotes
Musash Miyamoto quotes are from A Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy by Musashi Miyamoto and other sources.
“Both in fighting and in...
The History of Tae Kwon Do
The History of Tae Kwon Do is two thousand years old and the martial art form originated in Korea. It is based on the premise...
Descriptions of Internal Martial Arts
Regarding Falun, if you look at their situation, you have to realize that they are at least partly to blame for their troubles in...
Bruce Lee Quotes
A collection of Bruce Lee Quotes. There is wisdom in what he said, if we take his words to heart.
Memorizing and regurgitating Bruce Lee’s...
Choose Your Words Carefully
As a coach, teacher or parent, you must choose your words carefully as someone's life will be influenced by those words.
As a child, I...
Appreciating Our Children
When my son, Alex, was little, I came home from work in a big hurry because I wanted to go for a run before...
Don’t Settle Strive
At first glance, "don't settle strive" could be interpreted to mean ...Don't ever be happy with where you're at....always want more......get a bigger piece...
Why Study Tai Chi or Muay Thai
Two martial arts that are gaining popularity are Tai Chi Chuan, "Grand Ultimate Fist" and Muay Thai, "The science of the eight limbs". Why Study...
How Does your Ego Compare to your Life’s Accomplishments?
Over the past couple of decades, as I've gotten older and have begun paying more attention to my life’s accomplishments. I've not done this...
The Walking Stick in Mandatory Palestine and Israel
It was winter, Jan 1941; WWII had been raging across the globe since September 1939.
In a little room in Palestine two men sat down...
Misconceptions of Israeli Martial Arts
Google the term Israeli martial arts and you get over 1.7 million pages. A quick glance at the Wikipedia entry will reveal two short lines...
KAPAP: The Original Israeli Martial Art
Four years ago the martial arts community outside of Israel’s borders knew of only one Israeli martial art system, and that was Krav Maga...
Are Christianity and the Martial Arts Compatible
During almost 30 years of martial arts ministry, I have had the honor to use the martial arts to share the Gospel of Jesus...
The Origins of Martial Arts in the UK
Jujutsu Arrives
On the 26th of September 1899 a British engineer, called Barton-Wright, returned to England after an extended period of living and working in...