Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

What it Means To Be A Black Belt

Times were different when I started my martial arts journey. I was 10 years old and had some trouble in school dealing with a...
Warrior Odyssey

Antonio Graceffo Books

Warrior OdysseyWarrior Odyssey, Antonio Graceffo's book, chronicles his first seven years in Asia, traveling from country to country, studying martial arts. The book contains...
Ask Dr. Robyn

Understanding the Value of Empathy

Dr. Robyn Silverman - Author, Speaker, Child/Teen Development Expert and creator of the Industry's number one personal development / life skills / character education...
Gordon Richiusa 5 Bird System

Gordon Richiusa: Five Bird System

When is a style really a style? What makes a fighter a martial artist? And what do we call a style that is founded...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out About Habits

In this video Sensei Ryan speaks out about habits and asks, do you have a friend or loved one that is difficult to be around...

Cha Chuan

An important system in China is Cha Chuan, a fighting style developed by members of the Muslim faith. Muslim immigrants have lived in China...
Scott Sonnon Practicing Sambo

Sambo: Soviet System of Sport and Combat

SAMBO, the English translation of the Russian acronym meaning "self-protection without weapons" (SAMozashchitya Bez Oruzhiya). SAMBO is a curriculum of martial tricks, covertly taught...

Young Samurai – The Way of the Warrior Review

On the Book Trail Review of Young Samurai - The Way of the Warrior ReviewBy Payal Kapadia Young Samurai - The Way of the Warrior...
Classical Fighting Arts Magazine

Classical Fighting Arts Magazine

Classical Fighting Arts Magazine is a quarterly, full color magazine published in California, and distributed by mail to subscribers, through Barnes & Noble, Hastings...
Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse

Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse

Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse is a gripping and adventure-filled novel, one man reluctantly takes charge of an underground war that has...
Miyamoto Musash

Reality Based: Is It A New Concept (2005)

For those of you who are traditionalist you may tend to discriminate against Reality Based martial arts, especially against the work of Jim Wagner...
Key mind sets and attitudes found in advanced martial artists

Key mind sets and attitudes in advanced martial artists

What are some of the key mind sets and attitudes to be found in advanced martial artists? "What you do speaks so loudly that I...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions P

Pachigi: A Korean martial art in which the head is used to butt an opponent. Pai shih: A ceremony for a kung fu novice denoting his acceptance...
Ask Dr. Robyn

The Value of Open-Mindedness

Dr. Robyn Silverman - Author, Speaker, Child/Teen Development Expert and creator of the Industry's number one personal development / life skills / character education...
Martial Arts Schools & Businesses Directory

The Martial Arts Schools Directory, A Hidden Gem

The Martial Arts Schools Directory is a hidden gem for people looking for a martial arts school and a treasure hidden in plain sight...
Clint Emerson Books

Clint Emerson Books

100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation A hands-on, practical survival guide from retired Navy...