Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Donald Miskel

Sand Fu: Building Without the Proper Foundation

Yeah, I know. I can almost hear you complaining, “Sand fu, here he goes again with those ridiculous titles”. If you’ll be kind enough...

Types of Jujutsu Systems

Traditional Jujutsu is considered a Japanese cultural art (as are kado, or flower arrangement; chado, or tea ceremony; and shodo, calligraphy). Traditional Jujutsu systems...
Mike Sullenger

How Does your Ego Compare to your Life’s Accomplishments?

Over the past couple of decades, as I've gotten older and have begun paying more attention to my life’s accomplishments. I've not done this...
Hank Hayes' You've Been Lied To

You’ve Been Lied To . . . The Untold Story About Addiction Treatments

Hank Hayes here from No Lie Blades and NLB Defensive Measures tactical fighting system, and I want to share with you about my book,...
Styles of Karate

4 Main Styles of Karate

History of Karate Bodhidharma also known as "Daruma" in Japan and as often as not, this Indian Buddhist monk is cited as the prime source...
BattleCON: War Remastered

Bruce Lee Joins BattleCon Fighting Card Game

Bruce Lee joins BattleCon fighting card game as a playable fighter in their newest release BattleCON: War Remastered Edition. This news came from Level 99...

What it Means To Be A Black Belt

Times were different when I started my martial arts journey. I was 10 years old and had some trouble in school dealing with a...
Tatame Magazine

Tatame Magazine

Tatame Magazine is a Brazilian Fighting Magazine founded 20 years ago, straight from the mats of Rio de Janeiro where and when the revolution...

Mitchell Eli On Lua

An in depth conversation with Mitchell Eli, a master of the ancient Hawaiian martial art of Lua. https://youtu.be/HB0Re_5kO54 https://youtu.be/ryd6gIkqjLI https://youtu.be/gC8BTG5HAt0 https://youtu.be/LmqhU1FWng4
Ibrahim Janjua

Ibrahim Janjua: The Making of a Champion

Ibrahim Janjua (Ibby) is a 6 year old from Greater Manchester, England in the UK and he has been kickboxing for almost 2 years....
Staying Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

Now that it is summer and everyone is outside enjoying the weather, it becomes more and more important to stay hydrated.  Why should you...
Martial Arts DVDs

Learning Martial Arts By Video

Traditional martial artists frequently scoff at the idea of learning martial arts by video, arguing that you need a live instructor to guide you...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions N

Nagare: Flow. Nage: Throw. Nage Waza: Throwing techniques. Naginata: “Reaping sword.” A curved-blade spear, once used by Japanese monks and samurai. It is approximately seven feet in length including the blade....
Ask Dr. Robyn

3 Things to Do Instead of Scream at Your Kids

Let’s face it. A long day with the kids or a long day at work can leave the most patient moms feeling exhausted and...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Don’t Speak Badly of Someone . . .

"If you must speak badly of someone, don't speak it, but write it... in the sand, at the water's edge, near the waves." ~ Anonymous

My MMA Trainer APP

Description My MMA Trainer App, is the only complete mixed martial arts training application is back and better than ever with an improved Workout Builder,...