Learning Center

The USAdojo.com Learning Center shares information about studying martial arts, about systems and styles, about vocabulary used in martial arts and about martial arts books, magazines and APPS that help us learn.

Setting Goals

Setting Goals: Begin With The End In Mind

Sun Tzu wrote, "If you know yourself and know your opponent you will be victorious 100 battles out of 100 encounters.' The civilian comes...
Resurrection Of Jesus Christ

Why is the Resurrection of Jesus Important?

The resurrection of Jesus is important for several reasons. First, it witnesses to the immense power of God Himself. To believe in the resurrection...
Innovative Wing Chun

Real World Self Defense: Are Traditional Martial Arts Outdated?

If you really want to get involved with a martial art for self defense and want to find verity ... Take an honest look...
British Jujutsu

History of British JuJutsu

In this article we are going to take a look at the history of British JuJutsu outside of Edward W Barton-Wright. I want to introduce you...
Noah Gross Israeli Martial Arts History

Israeli Martial Arts – A Look Into History

Google the term Israeli martial arts and you get over 1.7 million pages. A quick glance at the Wikipedia entry will reveal two short lines...
History of Judo

History of Judo in America

The first known meeting of Kodokan judo and any American occurred in 1879, when President U.S. Grant was in Japan on a state visit...

Make Your Bed

Make Your Bed is based on the incredible graduation speech by Admiral William H. McRaven, "If you want to change the world, start off...
Martial Arts Techniques in Art

Martial Arts as a Topic in Sculpture and Painting

The human figure in motion offered extraordinary possibilities and inspiration to artists throughout centuries. By the human body performing certain martial arts movements, it...
Jim Wagner Articles

Krav Maga Not Alone Anymore

Many of you who visit USAdojo.com are Krav Maga practitioners. Lately some of you may have been hearing about other Israeli martial arts systems...
Paulo Tocha Muay Thai

The Art of Fighting: Muaythai

In today's world, with it's renewed interest in fighting arts, there is one sport and fighting art that has been used supremely in both...
Pekiti Tirsia Group Photo Camp 2006

Us vs Them Mentality in Martial Arts

When I started training in the Pekiti-Tirsia system in 1975, I was 14 years old. It very quickly became a major part of my...
Michelle Wood Editor of Yang-Sheng Magazine

Improvisational Movement

This article is dedicated to Ms. Michelle Wood, former editor of Yang-Sheng magazine. True improvisational movement is a form or level of movement which expresses...
FMA Digest

Filipino Martial Arts Digest Mini Issues

USAdojo.com shares Steven K. Dowd's FILIPINO MARTIAL ARTS DIGEST MINI ISSUES with our readers. FMA Digest provides articles, information, events, news, seminars, techniques, and more...
FMA Digest

Filipino Martial Arts Digest Special Editions

USAdojo.com shares published by Steven K. Dowd’s FILIPINO MARTIAL ARTS DIGEST SPECIAL EDITIONS with our readers. FMA Digest provides articles, information, events, news, seminars,...

Young Samurai – The Way of the Warrior Review

On the Book Trail Review of Young Samurai - The Way of the Warrior ReviewBy Payal Kapadia Young Samurai - The Way of the Warrior...
The Art and the Way

The Art and the Way Book Reviews

The Art and the Way book reviews and correspondence from readers of Robert Hunts' incredible book. “The first great novel of karate” – Dan Ivan I...