Mastery in the Martial Arts
Lately events have led me to reflect on the nature of mastery and what it means.
Life can be a humbling experience. I’ve been finding...
Balance and Discipline
You can never be too rich or to thin.
We’ve all heard that old saying before. Of course, it’s a ridiculous thing to say. There’s...
Scott Miller
Scott Miller took up martial arts for the first time later in life, at the age of forty-six. His professional career prior to that...
Discipline in Martial Arts and in Life
As a parent, you cannot help but reflect upon the nature of discipline. There is one concept of discipline, entirely wrong-headed, that focuses on...
Filial Piety
No one uses the phrase “filial piety” outside of a dojang. Why, then, do we? When I asked myself that question, I didn’t have...
Knowledge, Faith, Benevolence, Courage and Severity
In Tae Kwon Do, there are five tenets. These are guiding principles. They are Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control and Indomitable Spirit. In my school...
Always Benchmark
It was one of the great takeaways from my MBA program. Whatever you’re setting out to do, don’t reinvent the wheel. Look at what...
Loyalty to the Nation
“I shall have loyalty to the Nation, Sir!”
It is how every martial arts class begins, when you train in Tae Kwon Do. We do...
Martial Arts Training is a Practice in Balance
Training became a practice in balance, as I learned not just the techniques of martial arts but also how to live.
Martial arts training tests...