My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

Dale Kahoun

Dale Kahoun’s Do Now Harm Martial Arts Teaching Philosophy

It takes greater skill to capture an opponent and neutralize them than to harm or kill them. The choices of course are circumstantial. To say...
Leave your ego at the door

The Most Difficult Journey

Just a few years ago a group of Krav Maga practitioner's tried to gain market-share with the only skill they knew, slander. They tried...

The Privilege of Servitude

In this article I would like to explore two concepts about leadership. The first is the ability to follow. The second compares servitude to leadership.
Donald Miskel

The Martial Arts Police

Who made certain of us the martial arts police is a mystery to me, but some of us seem to have assumed that position. I...
Donald Miskel

To Whom It May Concern: The Black Dragon Fighting Society A Family

Or perhaps I should say to whom it doesn’t concern. As a minister and pastor as well as a martial artist I like to...
Veterans Seek Help form VA

Veterans Seeking Psychiatric Help

Here is an excellent question I received about a recent tip, saying that, "A suck it up and drive on" ethos has great survival...
Tang Soo Do Seoul Forum 2012

1st Tang Soo Do Seoul Forum: Technology and Transparency in the Martial Arts

I was asked to speak at the World Moo Duk Kwan General Federation’s 1st Tang Soo Do Seoul Forum in Korea. I was invited...
Donald Miskel

Father’s Day Thoughts: What He Taught Me Paid Off

I want to share with you my Father's Day thoughts. My father, Donald Miskel, is crazy, but what he taught me paid off. Crazy...
Loyalty to the Nation

Loyalty to the Nation

“I shall have loyalty to the Nation, Sir!” It is how every martial arts class begins, when you train in Tae Kwon Do. We do...

Martial Arts Lineage

When any two serious martial arts enthusiasts meet, the conversation will inevitably turn to martial arts lineage, and to these questions: Who do you...
Mens Rea is not a band

Mens Rea: Be Mindful of Your Intent

I recently read the following quotation from Edmund Burke, Irish orator, philosopher, and politician (1729-1797): “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil...
Donald Miskel

White Belt Karate for The Black Belt Fighter

White belt karate perfected to black belt level is karate at its efficient best. Let’s get back to real karate. Leave the esoteric stuff...
Donald Miskel

Your Knowledge Is Your Legacy – Pass It On

Where ever you may be in your life you have your knowledge, wisdom and past experience. The word of God says that, “It’s better to...
Avi Nardia KAPAP

I Was Born to Fight, But I Choose to be Kind, Respectful and Peaceful

I was recently asked when I first learned how to “fight.” I was born to fight and began fighting upon my first breath. I was...
Resurrection Of Jesus Christ

Why is the Resurrection of Jesus Important?

The resurrection of Jesus is important for several reasons. First, it witnesses to the immense power of God Himself. To believe in the resurrection...
The Illustrated Canon of Chen Family Taijiquan

A Kaleidoscope of Movement and Feeling

Alan Sims performing the form from Chen Xin's book. The late Bruce Lee was and still is admired by many for his martial arts ability...