My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

Donald Miskel

White Belt Karate for The Black Belt Fighter

White belt karate perfected to black belt level is karate at its efficient best. Let’s get back to real karate. Leave the esoteric stuff...
The Sensei - Tahoe Mountain Fitness

The Sensei

The relationship of a Sensei to the dojo is very difficult to define, as it encompasses many varying aspects of life. The Sensei must...
Get Real with Dan Meadows

How A Disaster Disarmed America, Or Was It Something Else?

There is no doubt that Mother Nature is a formidable opponent. Her beauty and her wrath can change on us in a moment’s notice...
Donald Miskel

The Warrior: I Am A Martial Artist

The Warrior I am a martial artist Dedicated to my cause If confronted with aggression I will answer without pause Some people feel that I am dangerous That I am...
Pekiti Tirsia Group Photo Camp 2006

Us vs Them Mentality in Martial Arts

When I started training in the Pekiti-Tirsia system in 1975, I was 14 years old. It very quickly became a major part of my...

Powerful Punch Comes From The Brain

Brain scans have revealed distinctive features in the brain structure of karate experts which correlate with punching ability. The powerful punch comes from the...
Spiritual Aspect of Martial Arts

The Spiritual Aspects of the Martial Arts

Spiritual Aspects of Martial Arts Are Coming Out of the Closet The martial arts are often misunderstood by John Q. Public. Terms like karate, jujutsu,...
Donald Miskel

Keyboard Kumite: The Act of Cyber Bullying

These days I am seeing a new type of bully. They're called cyber bullies. I consider them bullies of the first magnitude. Over the...
Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Ramblings . . .

Thank you for listening to the martial arts rambling of an old man. I appreciate your patience. Like many my age my martial arts...
Kata and Prearranged Drills

Kata and Prearranged Drills Are About Cooperation

In today’s hypercompetitive society, where everyone is trying to outdo someone else, these kinds of traditional martial art drills are the closest we can...
Dale Kahoun

Dale Kahoun’s Do Now Harm Martial Arts Teaching Philosophy

It takes greater skill to capture an opponent and neutralize them than to harm or kill them. The choices of course are circumstantial. To say...
Regulate Martial Arts

Governmental Attempts To Regulate Martial Arts

"Whether prompted by concerns of consumer protection, or opinions regarding instructor competency, governmental attempts to regulate martial arts are increasing. A.T.A.M.A. believes that the issue...
Donald Miskel

Do or Jitsu?

You are a martial artist, I understand. Tell me, what do you study; a "Do" or a "Jitsu"? Everyone who studies a martial discipline isn't...
Donald Miskel

Fighting For You Life

Let’s talk about fighting. I’m not talking about kumite. I’m not talking about MMA. I’m not even talking about self defense. I’m talking about...
Rodney King has the Freedom to Play

Martial Arts And The Freedom To Play

Freedom to Play is vital to my enjoyment of martial arts. You might find this is a puzzling, challenging, or controversial statement. I know that many...
Donald Miskel

Your Knowledge Is Your Legacy – Pass It On

Where ever you may be in your life you have your knowledge, wisdom and past experience. The word of God says that, “It’s better to...