My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

Donald Miskel

Disagreeing Is Only Human

My brothers and friends, please let this old man take a moment of your time and intrude into your day to day doings. Any police...

Martial Arts Lineage

When any two serious martial arts enthusiasts meet, the conversation will inevitably turn to martial arts lineage, and to these questions: Who do you...
Donald Miskel

Building on the Basics

The problem that I have with many of the martial arts that are being taught today, is that they are long on technique and...
Donald Miskel

Promote Peace: Harmony and Unity in the Martial Arts Community

Anyone who knows me knows that I promote peace, harmony and unity in the martial arts community. Since the martial arts became popular in...
Spiritual Aspect of Martial Arts

The Spiritual Aspects of the Martial Arts

Spiritual Aspects of Martial Arts Are Coming Out of the Closet The martial arts are often misunderstood by John Q. Public. Terms like karate, jujutsu,...
Donald Miskel

Do or Jitsu?

You are a martial artist, I understand. Tell me, what do you study; a "Do" or a "Jitsu"? Everyone who studies a martial discipline isn't...
The Cruise of Life

The Sovereignty of God

I found this illustration from Dr. A. W. Tozer's The Knowledge of the Holy to be a very appropriate view of the sovereignty of God. "An ocean...
Donald Miskel

Facing the Challenge of Self

In this journey there are many roads that we walk at different junctures of our lives. If nothing else, we learn that in this...
Donald Miskel

Christian Martial Arts, Rank and Promotion

What I do want to discuss is the difference in rank and promotion between a Christian martial arts organization and a secular one. The...
Donald Miskel

Keyboard Kumite: The Act of Cyber Bullying

These days I am seeing a new type of bully. They're called cyber bullies. I consider them bullies of the first magnitude. Over the...
Donald Miskel

Spirit Boxing

The line between a journeyman or practitioner and a master practitioner is a fine one. As one advances into the dan ranks he'll begin...
Donald Miskel

Kung Fu of the Mind: The Mental Aspects of the Martial Arts

In our last discussion, I spoke on the subject of Spirit Boxing. In this article, I would like to discuss Kung Fu of the...

An Interview with Nishioka Tsuneo Sensei

Q. Sensei, what do you believe are the crucial challenges facing Budo/Bujutsu in this century? A. The standards of Bujutsu are slowly diminishing due to...
Judo: Maximum Efficiency

The Mission of Kodokan Judo: Maximum Efficiency

By D. Risei Kano - The Mission of Kodokan Judo - The spiritual aspect of judo is rarely discussed in daily conversation among judo students....
Street Fighting

Training: Sport Martial Arts vs. Street Fighting

Most people think all martial arts training prepares you to be able to take on anyone in the real world. That kind of thinking...
Black Belt

Black Belt Realities

It is a common misconception that having a black belt is paramount to being a self-defense expert. Unfortunately some Black Belts also believe this....