My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

An Obscene Bid to Smear our Veterans

An Obscene Bid to Smear our Returning Veterans

The Myth of our Returning Veterans and Violent Crime: “A long-standing goal of the left, recently invigorated, has been to drive a wedge between our...
Out of Control Ego in the Martial Arts

Out of Control Egos in the Martial Arts

The martial arts world has changed in many ways since I entered its halls of honor, respect, and integrity. Don’t get me wrong, in...
Setting Goals

Setting Goals: Begin With The End In Mind

Sun Tzu wrote, "If you know yourself and know your opponent you will be victorious 100 battles out of 100 encounters.' The civilian comes...
Mind Body and Spirit

Mind, Body, and Spirit in the Martial Arts

It's impossible to completely separate the elements of mind, body, and spirit because we as human beings need the mix of the three to...
Donald Miskel

Dishonor in the Martial Arts

Most of you who read this know who I am and you know my reputation. You may not all like me or agree with...
Leave your ego at the door

The Most Difficult Journey

Just a few years ago a group of Krav Maga practitioner's tried to gain market-share with the only skill they knew, slander. They tried...
Kumite: A Learning Experience

Kumite: A Learning Experience

From Time to time, BLACK BELT learns of unusual events or occurrences in the martial arts; events that-either because of their nature or because...
In case of emergency break glass

In Case of Emergency Break Glass!

By Mikeal ‘Bear’ Smith ~ Is your school, system, or style in a state of emergency? It could be if some of the following...
Donald Miskel

Mental Kung Fu: Use Your Mind

Use your mind as your first resource. Your first line of defense. Observe and always be aware of your surroundings and any possible impending...
Balance in Eating and Diet

Balance and Discipline

You can never be too rich or to thin. We’ve all heard that old saying before. Of course, it’s a ridiculous thing to say. There’s...
Donald Miskel


Physically centering can save our lives in a confrontation. It can help us diffuse, deescalate, walk away from, or if necessary, physically deal with...
Donald Miskel

Strength and Power in The Martial Arts

Before I get into this discussion, let me define several words (and principles) that I will be trying to expound on. Strength: Physical power. (Muscle...
Black Belt

Black Belt Realities

It is a common misconception that having a black belt is paramount to being a self-defense expert. Unfortunately some Black Belts also believe this....
Donald Miskel

Pit Bull Kung Fu

Many systems of kung fu were developed by mimicking various animals. maybe I should create a style of American kung fu. Maybe I’ll call...
Aristotle Quote

COURAGE in Judo and in Life

"Courage is the first of human virtues because it makes all others possible." ~ Aristotle (384-322 BC) A courageous act can sometimes save a life....
Donald Miskel

The Black Dragon Fighting Society, Origin and Operations

The Black Dragon Fighting Society can be traced back through Chicago to Japan; From Japan to China; From China to Mongolia. The IFAA Black...