My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Effectiveness

It is my belief that the martial art has to be tailored to reflect the need of the times we live in. The one...

A Tribute To Dana Stamos

Dana Stamos exemplifies what being a woman used to mean. She’s kind and gentle. Loving and patient and she leans more toward redemption than reciprocity.
Donald Miskel

Training In The Nojo

I learned what I know of focus, form and function in the dojo, but I learned to fight in the streets; in the nojo. No,...
Donald Miskel

We Have Your Best Interest at Heart

We at have only the best interest of martial artists and the martial arts community at heart. I am a minister first and a...
Donald Miskel

Becoming A Man

Becoming a man doesn’t happen by accident. It isn’t by coincidence or happenstance. It is a choice and it requires constant conscious effort. It...
Donald Miskel

Western Bushido: A Christian Warrior

Some concepts don’t seem to go together. This phrase is an oxymoron at first glance. Bushido is a principle, a philosophy, peculiar to feudal...
Miyamoto Musash

Reality Based: Is It A New Concept (2005)

For those of you who are traditionalist you may tend to discriminate against Reality Based martial arts, especially against the work of Jim Wagner...
Donald Miskel

Mental Kung Fu: Use Your Mind

Use your mind as your first resource. Your first line of defense. Observe and always be aware of your surroundings and any possible impending...
Donald Miskel

The Warrior: I Am A Martial Artist

The Warrior I am a martial artist Dedicated to my cause If confronted with aggression I will answer without pause Some people feel that I am dangerous That I am...
Bible and a Black Belt

Christianity and Martial Arts

There are pastors who study martial arts, but not many who have studied for decades. So, I am among a rare few. (I am...
Donald Miskel

Zen And Makiwara Training

When I was training we spent a lot of time in conditioning the weapons. We worked on the makiwara training for hours, often until...
Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Mastery Resides in the Basics

It has been a lifelong endeavor for me to truly master the martial arts. I have dedicated nearly 55 years of my life to...
Stay Resolute, Calm and Confident Against Your Adversary

Stay Resolute, Calm and Confident Against Your Adversary

It has been my experience in life that, with a few notable exceptions, whenever a bully is confronted with a resolute calm, confident adversary,...
Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas Martial Arts Enters the 21st Century

Me, blogging! I can't believe I'm entering the 21st century. People who know me, know that I am notoriously lax in using that 1980's...
Donald Miskel

Strength and Power in The Martial Arts

Before I get into this discussion, let me define several words (and principles) that I will be trying to expound on. Strength: Physical power. (Muscle...
Donald Miskel


Physically centering can save our lives in a confrontation. It can help us diffuse, deescalate, walk away from, or if necessary, physically deal with...