My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

Donald Miskel


Eventually I’ll make my own transition. I pray that the life I've lived and the legacy I leave behind will pave the way for...
Always Benchmark

Always Benchmark

It was one of the great takeaways from my MBA program. Whatever you’re setting out to do, don’t reinvent the wheel. Look at what...
Donald Miskel

Training In The Nojo

I learned what I know of focus, form and function in the dojo, but I learned to fight in the streets; in the nojo. No,...
Donald Miskel

Dishonor in the Martial Arts

Most of you who read this know who I am and you know my reputation. You may not all like me or agree with...
T.A. Newman Watercolor Painting

Accepting Funakoshi’s Challenge

My favorite Gichin Funakoshi quote is: “Everything you encounter is an aspect of karate: find the marvelous truth there.” By Thomas A. Newnam  ~ Did...
Dana Stamos

Thoughts From A Martial Arts Journalist

I consider myself a martial arts journalist and I take my job very seriously. For me, the job of a journalist in the martial...
Donald Miskel

Strength and Power in The Martial Arts

Before I get into this discussion, let me define several words (and principles) that I will be trying to expound on. Strength: Physical power. (Muscle...
Donald Miskel

The Martial Arts Police

Who made certain of us the martial arts police is a mystery to me, but some of us seem to have assumed that position. I...
Donald Miskel

Becoming A Man

Becoming a man doesn’t happen by accident. It isn’t by coincidence or happenstance. It is a choice and it requires constant conscious effort. It...

Martial Arts Training is a Practice in Balance

Training became a practice in balance, as I learned not just the techniques of martial arts but also how to live. Martial arts training tests...
Donald Miskel

The Difference Between a ‘Do’ and a ‘Jitsu’

Not very original and bordering on plagiarism but that’s me in spades. I’m a bad mutha (shut your mouth!) but I’m talking about Donn...
Do All For the Glory of God

Christians and the Martial Arts

Some have been called war mongers, mystics, heroes and some, just plain old bad dudes. Martial artists have gone by many names throughout the...
Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas Martial Arts Enters the 21st Century

Me, blogging! I can't believe I'm entering the 21st century. People who know me, know that I am notoriously lax in using that 1980's...
Donald Miskel

Pit Bull Kung Fu

Many systems of kung fu were developed by mimicking various animals. maybe I should create a style of American kung fu. Maybe I’ll call...
Donald Miskel

Being a Grandmaster isn’t so Grand

Those of us that are still somewhat active at this age know that being a Grandmaster isn’t so grand. A lot of age and...
Donald Miskel

Twenty-First Century Martial Arts

I’m a firm believer of growth and evolution. I’m not talking about the Darwinian concept of evolution but the evolution of growth and change...