My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

Donald Miskel

Pit Bull Kung Fu

Many systems of kung fu were developed by mimicking various animals. maybe I should create a style of American kung fu. Maybe I’ll call...
Donald Miskel

The Courage of Self: Be Who You Are and Strive To Become Your Best

Be who you are and strive to become your best with that as a foundation. With a good foundation there’s no limit to what you...
Donald Miskel

The Black Dragon Fighting Society Has Come of Age

I absolutely adore children. Next to women I think that children are one of God’s best inventions. Infants, babies, toddlers and children; I love...
Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Mastery Requires Time, Effort and Experience

I just got home from teaching my Saturday morning martial art class. Everything hurts. My orthopedic surgeon and my pain management doctor warn me...
Donald Miskel

The Martial Arts Police

Who made certain of us the martial arts police is a mystery to me, but some of us seem to have assumed that position. I...
Donald Miskel

The Deadliest Man Alive (Getting Over Ourselves)

Personally I think I’m on the deadliest man alive list. My natural ability, my conditioning, my physical prowess and my superior training puts me...
Donald Miskel

Renshi, Shihan, Hanshi (Oh My)

There are teachers, sensei and masters out there in every shape size and variety. They teach some of anything and everything an aspiring martial...
Donald Miskel

The Difference Between a ‘Do’ and a ‘Jitsu’

Not very original and bordering on plagiarism but that’s me in spades. I’m a bad mutha (shut your mouth!) but I’m talking about Donn...

Powerful Punch Comes From The Brain

Brain scans have revealed distinctive features in the brain structure of karate experts which correlate with punching ability. The powerful punch comes from the...
Donald Miskel

Bruce Tegner Demystified The Martial Arts

The martial arts are my passion. When I was a youth I proclaimed that, “karate is my life”. I’ve since grown past that kind...
Donald Miskel

Sand Fu: Building Without the Proper Foundation

Yeah, I know. I can almost hear you complaining, “Sand fu, here he goes again with those ridiculous titles”. If you’ll be kind enough...
Donald Miskel

Your Knowledge Is Your Legacy – Pass It On

Where ever you may be in your life you have your knowledge, wisdom and past experience. The word of God says that, “It’s better to...
Donald Miskel

Forging the Sword – Body Mind Spirit

We are triune in our being. We are body mind spirit. The wise martial artist will be holistic in his approach, considering his whole...
Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Ramblings . . .

Thank you for listening to the martial arts rambling of an old man. I appreciate your patience. Like many my age my martial arts...
Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Ethics

It comes as no surprise to anyone who knows me and who chances to read any of my essays or articles that I am...
Donald Miskel

Learning Through Failure

In all honesty, I might not be the one to write this particular study. I actually feel hypocritical in doing so. I am not...