My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

Michael Sullenger

Reflections On Martial Arts Studies

Introduction While talking with two of my newest students a few years ago, I discussed with them various experiences I’d had throughout my years in...
Donald Miskel

Ushi Deshi: Students of the Heart

In my fifty five plus years of studying, researching and teaching the martial arts I have had only a few personal, closed door students....
Haiku for Miyamoto Musashi

Haiku for Miyamoto Musashi

Dedicated to the Book of Five Rings one hundred haiku Musashi your voice is mine I am your wisdom In this brief volume I have created a series of...
Donald Miskel

White Belt Karate for The Black Belt Fighter

White belt karate perfected to black belt level is karate at its efficient best. Let’s get back to real karate. Leave the esoteric stuff...
Donald Miskel

Building On a Preexisting Foundation

Archaeologists often find older cities beneath cities that rose up later. I’m not sure why that is but maybe it is because they use...
Mens Rea is not a band

Mens Rea: Be Mindful of Your Intent

I recently read the following quotation from Edmund Burke, Irish orator, philosopher, and politician (1729-1797): “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil...
Donald Miskel

The Black Dragon Fighting Society, Origin and Operations

The Black Dragon Fighting Society can be traced back through Chicago to Japan; From Japan to China; From China to Mongolia. The IFAA Black...
An Obscene Bid to Smear our Veterans

An Obscene Bid to Smear our Returning Veterans

The Myth of our Returning Veterans and Violent Crime: “A long-standing goal of the left, recently invigorated, has been to drive a wedge between our...
Traditional Karate?

What is Traditional Karate?

The title of this article is "What is Traditional Karate?" And that may seem like a strange question for a traditional karateka to ask!...
Stephen Kaufman Enlightenment

Enlightenment – A Most Profound Universal Experience

We have all been taught by well-meaning and not so well-meaning people throughout the ages that enlightenment is the true answer for coming to...
Donald Miskel

To Whom It May Concern: The Black Dragon Fighting Society A Family

Or perhaps I should say to whom it doesn’t concern. As a minister and pastor as well as a martial artist I like to...
Don Nagle

What’s Next . . . The State of Isshinryu After Don Nagle’s Death

This letter is to all Isshinryu Karate-Ka and Martial Artists from Sensei Ed McGrath, Ju Dan, Hanshi Go. I am sure that you are all aware,...
Donald Miskel

Fighting For You Life

Let’s talk about fighting. I’m not talking about kumite. I’m not talking about MMA. I’m not even talking about self defense. I’m talking about...
Donald Miskel

Realistic and Practical Martial Art

If a system is a practical martial art, it must be lean, simple and incorporate natural movement. Complex techniques are nice for demonstration but...
Donald Miskel

Martial Art Snobbery

Our nation was built out of protest of class and cast systems. One class being better than another and such similar ideas. We are...
Tang Soo Do Seoul Forum 2012

1st Tang Soo Do Seoul Forum: Technology and Transparency in the Martial Arts

I was asked to speak at the World Moo Duk Kwan General Federation’s 1st Tang Soo Do Seoul Forum in Korea. I was invited...