My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

Martial Arts Techniques in Art

Martial Arts as a Topic in Sculpture and Painting

The human figure in motion offered extraordinary possibilities and inspiration to artists throughout centuries. By the human body performing certain martial arts movements, it...
Pekiti Tirsia Group Photo Camp 2006

Us vs Them Mentality in Martial Arts

When I started training in the Pekiti-Tirsia system in 1975, I was 14 years old. It very quickly became a major part of my...
Michelle Wood Editor of Yang-Sheng Magazine

Improvisational Movement

This article is dedicated to Ms. Michelle Wood, former editor of Yang-Sheng magazine. True improvisational movement is a form or level of movement which expresses...
Dana Stamos

Thoughts From A Martial Arts Journalist

I consider myself a martial arts journalist and I take my job very seriously. For me, the job of a journalist in the martial...
Kimo Williams

The Tao in Jujitsu

What is the Tao? Master Okazaki wrote in his Esoteric Principles "...To perfect one's character one must be grateful for the abundant blessings of Heaven,...
Donald Miskel

Dishonor in the Martial Arts

Most of you who read this know who I am and you know my reputation. You may not all like me or agree with...
Donald Miskel

Why Not to Fight

I’m a minister and a pastor. I’m not supposed to advocate violence, yet I teach combat. I have on occasion taught the rare self...
Donald Miskel

Giri: Rising to the Occasion

There are a number of Japanese words that have found their way into the American vernacular through the martial arts. One of the concepts...
Martial Arts Schools & Businesses Directory

The Martial Arts Schools Directory, A Hidden Gem

The Martial Arts Schools Directory is a hidden gem for people looking for a martial arts school and a treasure hidden in plain sight...
Donald Miskel

Spiritual Aspects of Martial Arts

There are many aspects to the martial arts. Most people think in terms of the self defense and combative disciplines when they think of...
Byron Mantack

Renshindo – Proficiency in a Contest

In this segment, I would like to speak some more on the principle of proficiency in a contest, (Renshindo). The primary goals of the...
Donald Miskel

Understanding the Roots of a Martial Arts System

Everything has to start somewhere. Everything that is to stand must have a foundation. Nothing exists in a vacuum. I’m real big on finding...
Donald Miskel

Twenty-First Century Martial Arts

I’m a firm believer of growth and evolution. I’m not talking about the Darwinian concept of evolution but the evolution of growth and change...
Avi Nardia KAPAP

I Was Born to Fight, But I Choose to be Kind, Respectful and Peaceful

I was recently asked when I first learned how to “fight.” I was born to fight and began fighting upon my first breath. I was...
Christianity and Martial Arts

Are Christianity and the Martial Arts Compatible

During almost 30 years of martial arts ministry, I have had the honor to use the martial arts to share the Gospel of Jesus...
Leave your ego at the door

The Most Difficult Journey

Just a few years ago a group of Krav Maga practitioner's tried to gain market-share with the only skill they knew, slander. They tried...