My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

Donald Miskel

Without Integrity We Have Nothing

As a pastor and martial artist I value integrity above most of other traits that are included in the lives of honorable men. Without integrity we have nothing.
Do All For the Glory of God

Christians and the Martial Arts

Some have been called war mongers, mystics, heroes and some, just plain old bad dudes. Martial artists have gone by many names throughout the...
Alfred Sims Jr

A Tribute to My Brother – Alfred Sims Jr.

I, Alan Sims, am writing this as a tribute to my late brother Alfred Sims Jr., known affectionately as "Toby" to friends and acquaintances. Our...
Jesus and Buddah

Eastern Martial Arts Study vs Western Religion

As a Christian and a martial artist, I am intimately familiar with the tension that exists between Eastern martial arts study and Western religion....
Traditional Karate?

What is Traditional Karate?

The title of this article is "What is Traditional Karate?" And that may seem like a strange question for a traditional karateka to ask!...
Donald Miskel

Christian Martial Arts, Rank and Promotion

What I do want to discuss is the difference in rank and promotion between a Christian martial arts organization and a secular one. The...
Tang Soo Do Seoul Forum 2012

1st Tang Soo Do Seoul Forum: Technology and Transparency in the Martial Arts

I was asked to speak at the World Moo Duk Kwan General Federation’s 1st Tang Soo Do Seoul Forum in Korea. I was invited...
Donald Miskel

Realistic and Practical Martial Art

If a system is a practical martial art, it must be lean, simple and incorporate natural movement. Complex techniques are nice for demonstration but...
Donald Miskel

Teaching Beginners . . .

A wonderful time in class this afternoon. Taught a beginner's class. I had almost forgotten the joy of taking the uninitiated and educating them in...
Jigoro Kano, Noriko Yasuda, Ayako Akutagawa

Women’s Judo

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu When compared to the men’s events, the...
Donald Miskel

Building On a Preexisting Foundation

Archaeologists often find older cities beneath cities that rose up later. I’m not sure why that is but maybe it is because they use...
Key mind sets and attitudes found in advanced martial artists

Key mind sets and attitudes in advanced martial artists

What are some of the key mind sets and attitudes to be found in advanced martial artists? "What you do speaks so loudly that I...
Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Mastery Requires Time, Effort and Experience

I just got home from teaching my Saturday morning martial art class. Everything hurts. My orthopedic surgeon and my pain management doctor warn me...
The Sensei - Tahoe Mountain Fitness

The Sensei

The relationship of a Sensei to the dojo is very difficult to define, as it encompasses many varying aspects of life. The Sensei must...
Regulate Martial Arts

Governmental Attempts To Regulate Martial Arts

"Whether prompted by concerns of consumer protection, or opinions regarding instructor competency, governmental attempts to regulate martial arts are increasing. A.T.A.M.A. believes that the issue...
Donald Miskel


Physically centering can save our lives in a confrontation. It can help us diffuse, deescalate, walk away from, or if necessary, physically deal with...