My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

Don Nagle

What’s Next . . . The State of Isshinryu After Don Nagle’s Death

This letter is to all Isshinryu Karate-Ka and Martial Artists from Sensei Ed McGrath, Ju Dan, Hanshi Go. I am sure that you are all aware,...
Martial Arts and Religion

The Relationship Between Martial Arts And Religion

I saw a banner the other day proclaiming the existence of a Christian martial arts association and was reminded of the relationship between martial...
Donald Miskel

The Deadliest Man Alive (Getting Over Ourselves)

Personally I think I’m on the deadliest man alive list. My natural ability, my conditioning, my physical prowess and my superior training puts me...

LOYALTY in Judo and in Life

Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable, than loyalty. Cicero (106 BC – 43 BC) After having lived in Japan for some time, one comes to...
Jigoro Kano

Judo and Education

Over a century ago, Japanese jujutsu men from various ryu or schools, often competed against one another and sometimes fought boxers and wrestlers in...
Jigoro Kano on Judo Instruction

INSTRUCTION in Judo and in Life

'Nothing under Heaven is more important than education. The teaching of one virtuous person can influence many. What has been well learned by one...
Jigoro Kano, Noriko Yasuda, Ayako Akutagawa

Women’s Judo

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu When compared to the men’s events, the...
Miyamoto Musash

Reality Based: Is It A New Concept (2005)

For those of you who are traditionalist you may tend to discriminate against Reality Based martial arts, especially against the work of Jim Wagner...
Martial Arts Techniques in Art

Martial Arts as a Topic in Sculpture and Painting

The human figure in motion offered extraordinary possibilities and inspiration to artists throughout centuries. By the human body performing certain martial arts movements, it...
Turn the Other Cheek

Martial Arts and Christian Beliefs, Are They Incompatible?

As a Christian martial artist, I am often asked two questions regarding my martial arts study and my faith. From non-believers (those who do...
Ted Wong and Bruce Lee Training

Ted Wong’s Training With Bruce Lee

Few individuals were as close to Bruce Lee as Ted Wong. Now almost 80, and still teaching the system he learned from Lee, Wong...
In case of emergency break glass

In Case of Emergency Break Glass!

By Mikeal ‘Bear’ Smith ~ Is your school, system, or style in a state of emergency? It could be if some of the following...
Fight for Country and Family

Balance the Warrior and the Yogi: What is a Righteous Fight?

Perhaps you’re more enlightened than me. But in the event that this article can help you as it has me, I’d like to share...
Donald Miskel

Christian Martial Arts, Rank and Promotion

What I do want to discuss is the difference in rank and promotion between a Christian martial arts organization and a secular one. The...
Avi Nardia KAPAP

I Was Born to Fight, But I Choose to be Kind, Respectful and Peaceful

I was recently asked when I first learned how to “fight.” I was born to fight and began fighting upon my first breath. I was...
Haiku for Miyamoto Musashi

Haiku for Miyamoto Musashi

Dedicated to the Book of Five Rings one hundred haiku Musashi your voice is mine I am your wisdom In this brief volume I have created a series of...