My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

Donald Miskel

Is There Life in the Martial Arts After Old Age?

I have been on this martial art journey for about sixty one years. Since I didn’t start at birth most of you would have...
Taijiquan Memories: Alan Sims with his fan

Taijiquan Memories

These are my taijiquan memories from 2003, when I took my first, and probably best, trip to San Francisco. I was able to afford...
Mastery in the Martial Arts

Mastery in the Martial Arts

Lately events have led me to reflect on the nature of mastery and what it means. Life can be a humbling experience. I’ve been finding...
Jigoro Kano, Noriko Yasuda, Ayako Akutagawa

Women’s Judo

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu When compared to the men’s events, the...
British Jujutsu Pioneers

British Jujutsu Pioneers

Possession of profound knowledge is of great value. Katsu Kaishu (1823-1899) While researching the history of martial arts, I am often impressed by the sustained dedication...
Honor in Judo and Life

HONOR in Judo and in Life

Virtue is the fount whence honor springs. ~ Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) A salient feature of the samurai’s code of conduct was honor. Usually regarded as...
Balance in Eating and Diet

Balance and Discipline

You can never be too rich or to thin. We’ve all heard that old saying before. Of course, it’s a ridiculous thing to say. There’s...

LOYALTY in Judo and in Life

Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable, than loyalty. Cicero (106 BC – 43 BC) After having lived in Japan for some time, one comes to...
The Illustrated Canon of Chen Family Taijiquan

A Kaleidoscope of Movement and Feeling

Alan Sims performing the form from Chen Xin's book. The late Bruce Lee was and still is admired by many for his martial arts ability...
Scott Miller

Scott Miller

Scott Miller took up martial arts for the first time later in life, at the age of forty-six. His professional career prior to that...
Discipline in Martial Arts and Life

Discipline in Martial Arts and in Life

As a parent, you cannot help but reflect upon the nature of discipline. There is one concept of discipline, entirely wrong-headed, that focuses on...
Aristotle Quote

COURAGE in Judo and in Life

"Courage is the first of human virtues because it makes all others possible." ~ Aristotle (384-322 BC) A courageous act can sometimes save a life....
Jigoro Kano on Judo Instruction

INSTRUCTION in Judo and in Life

'Nothing under Heaven is more important than education. The teaching of one virtuous person can influence many. What has been well learned by one...
Montagu Quote

ETIQUETTE in Judo and in Life

‘Civility costs nothing, and buys everything.’ Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762) In boyhood my grandfather once asked me what I wished to be when I grew...
Jigoro Kano

Judo and Education

Over a century ago, Japanese jujutsu men from various ryu or schools, often competed against one another and sometimes fought boxers and wrestlers in...
Filial Piety

Filial Piety

No one uses the phrase “filial piety” outside of a dojang. Why, then, do we? When I asked myself that question, I didn’t have...