My Perspective

My Perspective shares the personal perspective of different martial  artists and others on martial thought, philosophy and more on

Ted Wong and Bruce Lee Training

Ted Wong’s Training With Bruce Lee

Few individuals were as close to Bruce Lee as Ted Wong. Now almost 80, and still teaching the system he learned from Lee, Wong...
Fighting Without Fighting

A Practical Guide To Fighting Without Fighting

We oft hear the phrase "fighting without fighting" in movies and books. This conjures up ideas from the mystic to the manic. The fact...
Martial Arts and Religion

The Relationship Between Martial Arts And Religion

I saw a banner the other day proclaiming the existence of a Christian martial arts association and was reminded of the relationship between martial...
T.A. Newman Watercolor Painting

Accepting Funakoshi’s Challenge

My favorite Gichin Funakoshi quote is: “Everything you encounter is an aspect of karate: find the marvelous truth there.” By Thomas A. Newnam  ~ Did...
Dale Kahoun

Dale Kahoun’s Do Now Harm Martial Arts Teaching Philosophy

It takes greater skill to capture an opponent and neutralize them than to harm or kill them. The choices of course are circumstantial. To say...
Kata and Prearranged Drills

Kata and Prearranged Drills Are About Cooperation

In today’s hypercompetitive society, where everyone is trying to outdo someone else, these kinds of traditional martial art drills are the closest we can...
Military Burial at Sea

LtCol George Goodson and A Burial At Sea

LtCol George Goodson, USMC (Ret) ~ In my 76th year, the events of my life appear to me, from time to time, as a...
Rodney King has the Freedom to Play

Martial Arts And The Freedom To Play

Freedom to Play is vital to my enjoyment of martial arts. You might find this is a puzzling, challenging, or controversial statement. I know that many...
Turn the Other Cheek

Martial Arts and Christian Beliefs, Are They Incompatible?

As a Christian martial artist, I am often asked two questions regarding my martial arts study and my faith. From non-believers (those who do...
Kenshiro Abbe Memorial Tribute

Friends of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei?

Henry Ellis Aikido website and its contributors are either direct or indirect students of Kenshiro Abbe Sensei. Students, who would never refer to themselves...
Do All For the Glory of God

Christians and the Martial Arts

Some have been called war mongers, mystics, heroes and some, just plain old bad dudes. Martial artists have gone by many names throughout the...
Regulate Martial Arts

Governmental Attempts To Regulate Martial Arts

"Whether prompted by concerns of consumer protection, or opinions regarding instructor competency, governmental attempts to regulate martial arts are increasing. A.T.A.M.A. believes that the issue...

A Practical Definition Of Chi

As a viable part of the martial artist's arsenal, chi, and specifically noncontact chi, is dubious, at best--at least as long as its proponents...
Jesus and Buddah

Eastern Martial Arts Study vs Western Religion

As a Christian and a martial artist, I am intimately familiar with the tension that exists between Eastern martial arts study and Western religion....
The Sensei - Tahoe Mountain Fitness

The Sensei

The relationship of a Sensei to the dojo is very difficult to define, as it encompasses many varying aspects of life. The Sensei must...
U.S. Constitution

New Preamble To The Constitution: Bill of NO Rights

"We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots,...