Donald Miskel's Perspective

Donald Miskel shares his perspective on marital arts and more in his articles on

Donald Miskel

Being a Grandmaster isn’t so Grand

Those of us that are still somewhat active at this age know that being a Grandmaster isn’t so grand. A lot of age and...
Donald Miskel

Twenty-First Century Martial Arts

I’m a firm believer of growth and evolution. I’m not talking about the Darwinian concept of evolution but the evolution of growth and change...
Donald Miskel

The Courage of Self: Be Who You Are and Strive To Become Your Best

Be who you are and strive to become your best with that as a foundation. With a good foundation there’s no limit to what you...
Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Effectiveness

It is my belief that the martial art has to be tailored to reflect the need of the times we live in. The one...
Donald Miskel

Sand Fu: Building Without the Proper Foundation

Yeah, I know. I can almost hear you complaining, “Sand fu, here he goes again with those ridiculous titles”. If you’ll be kind enough...
Donald Miskel

We Have Your Best Interest at Heart

We at have only the best interest of martial artists and the martial arts community at heart. I am a minister first and a...
Donald Miskel

Spirit Boxing

The line between a journeyman or practitioner and a master practitioner is a fine one. As one advances into the dan ranks he'll begin...
Donald Miskel

Building On a Preexisting Foundation

Archaeologists often find older cities beneath cities that rose up later. I’m not sure why that is but maybe it is because they use...
Donald Miskel

Disagreeing Is Only Human

My brothers and friends, please let this old man take a moment of your time and intrude into your day to day doings. Any police...
Donald Miskel

Learning Through Failure

In all honesty, I might not be the one to write this particular study. I actually feel hypocritical in doing so. I am not...
Donald Miskel

Why Not to Fight

I’m a minister and a pastor. I’m not supposed to advocate violence, yet I teach combat. I have on occasion taught the rare self...
Donald Miskel

White Belt Karate for The Black Belt Fighter

White belt karate perfected to black belt level is karate at its efficient best. Let’s get back to real karate. Leave the esoteric stuff...
Donald Miskel

The Warrior: I Am A Martial Artist

The Warrior I am a martial artist Dedicated to my cause If confronted with aggression I will answer without pause Some people feel that I am dangerous That I am...
Donald Miskel

Keyboard Kumite: The Act of Cyber Bullying

These days I am seeing a new type of bully. They're called cyber bullies. I consider them bullies of the first magnitude. Over the...
Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Ramblings . . .

Thank you for listening to the martial arts rambling of an old man. I appreciate your patience. Like many my age my martial arts...
Donald Miskel

Do or Jitsu?

You are a martial artist, I understand. Tell me, what do you study; a "Do" or a "Jitsu"? Everyone who studies a martial discipline isn't...