Donald Miskel's Perspective

Donald Miskel shares his perspective on marital arts and more in his articles on

Donald Miskel

Twenty-First Century Martial Arts

I’m a firm believer of growth and evolution. I’m not talking about the Darwinian concept of evolution but the evolution of growth and change...
Donald Miskel

Father’s Day Thoughts: What He Taught Me Paid Off

I want to share with you my Father's Day thoughts. My father, Donald Miskel, is crazy, but what he taught me paid off. Crazy...
Donald Miskel

No Holds Barred: MMA Versus Traditional Martial Arts

Everyone is talking about MMA versus traditional martial arts and the effects that MMA is having on martial arts schools around the world. Here...
Donald Miskel

Ushi Deshi: Students of the Heart

In my fifty five plus years of studying, researching and teaching the martial arts I have had only a few personal, closed door students....
Donald Miskel

White Belt Karate for The Black Belt Fighter

White belt karate perfected to black belt level is karate at its efficient best. Let’s get back to real karate. Leave the esoteric stuff...
Donald Miskel

Building On a Preexisting Foundation

Archaeologists often find older cities beneath cities that rose up later. I’m not sure why that is but maybe it is because they use...
Donald Miskel

The Black Dragon Fighting Society, Origin and Operations

The Black Dragon Fighting Society can be traced back through Chicago to Japan; From Japan to China; From China to Mongolia. The IFAA Black...
Donald Miskel

To Whom It May Concern: The Black Dragon Fighting Society A Family

Or perhaps I should say to whom it doesn’t concern. As a minister and pastor as well as a martial artist I like to...
Donald Miskel

Fighting For You Life

Let’s talk about fighting. I’m not talking about kumite. I’m not talking about MMA. I’m not even talking about self defense. I’m talking about...
Donald Miskel

Realistic and Practical Martial Art

If a system is a practical martial art, it must be lean, simple and incorporate natural movement. Complex techniques are nice for demonstration but...
Donald Miskel

Martial Art Snobbery

Our nation was built out of protest of class and cast systems. One class being better than another and such similar ideas. We are...
Donald Miskel

Pit Bull Kung Fu

Many systems of kung fu were developed by mimicking various animals. maybe I should create a style of American kung fu. Maybe I’ll call...
Donald Miskel

The Courage of Self: Be Who You Are and Strive To Become Your Best

Be who you are and strive to become your best with that as a foundation. With a good foundation there’s no limit to what you...
Donald Miskel

The Black Dragon Fighting Society Has Come of Age

I absolutely adore children. Next to women I think that children are one of God’s best inventions. Infants, babies, toddlers and children; I love...
Donald Miskel

Martial Arts Mastery Requires Time, Effort and Experience

I just got home from teaching my Saturday morning martial art class. Everything hurts. My orthopedic surgeon and my pain management doctor warn me...
Donald Miskel

The Martial Arts Police

Who made certain of us the martial arts police is a mystery to me, but some of us seem to have assumed that position. I...