Home My Perspective Donald Miskel's Perspective

Donald Miskel's Perspective

Donald Miskel shares his perspective on marital arts and more in his articles on USAdojo.com.

Donald Miskel

You give your opponent an idea what to expect.

I tried some iron palm training back in the day with my praying mantis (kung fu) instructor at the time. He didn’t go in...

The Privilege of Servitude

In this article I would like to explore two concepts about leadership. The first is the ability to follow. The second compares servitude to leadership.
Donald Miskel

Teaching Beginners . . .

A wonderful time in class this afternoon. Taught a beginner's class. I had almost forgotten the joy of taking the uninitiated and educating them in...
Donald Miskel

Without Integrity We Have Nothing

As a pastor and martial artist I value integrity above most of other traits that are included in the lives of honorable men. Without integrity we have nothing.
Donald Miskel

Lethal Weapon (The Deadliest Weapon in the Martial Arts)

I was sitting up this morning alternately doing hand techniques and watching martial arts bios of various masters, teachers and actors. I recently had...
Donald Miskel

Brother to Brother (or Sister)

Greetings to my fellow Dragons and my martial art brethren. This is a letter to our fraternity but also to any and all that...
Donald Miskel

Is There Life in the Martial Arts After Old Age?

I have been on this martial art journey for about sixty one years. Since I didn’t start at birth most of you would have...
Cane Master Canes

Don’t Overlook the Lowly Stick or Cane

Let me encourage you as you blaze your martial path to not overlook the lowly stick or cane. You’ll find that the stick or...
Still a Mother . . .

Still a Mother . . .

Still a Mother . . . okay, martial artists, I got your attention. The clean cut folks out there are probably envisioning an article...
Donald Miskel

Being a Grandmaster isn’t so Grand

Those of us that are still somewhat active at this age know that being a Grandmaster isn’t so grand. A lot of age and...
Donald Miskel


Eventually I’ll make my own transition. I pray that the life I've lived and the legacy I leave behind will pave the way for...
Donald Miskel

Dishonor in the Martial Arts

Most of you who read this know who I am and you know my reputation. You may not all like me or agree with...
Donald Miskel

Why Not to Fight

I’m a minister and a pastor. I’m not supposed to advocate violence, yet I teach combat. I have on occasion taught the rare self...
Martial Arts Schools & Businesses Directory

The Martial Arts Schools Directory, A Hidden Gem

The Martial Arts Schools Directory is a hidden gem for people looking for a martial arts school and a treasure hidden in plain sight...
Donald Miskel

Spiritual Aspects of Martial Arts

There are many aspects to the martial arts. Most people think in terms of the self defense and combative disciplines when they think of...
Donald Miskel

Understanding the Roots of a Martial Arts System

Everything has to start somewhere. Everything that is to stand must have a foundation. Nothing exists in a vacuum. I’m real big on finding...