Martial Arts Books

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Putting the Pieces Together

Putting the Pieces Together (Volume 1)

Quotes are like pieces of experiences, the quotes summarize in a line or two a lesson learned for life. The hope is always to...
The Journey From Orphan To Soke by Frederick Douglas Peterson

The Journey from Orphan to Soke

Largely a first person narrative accompanied by focused, honest questions and answers and star studded tributes, this 95 year old WWII veteran tells his...
Books By Maurice Elmalem

Books By Maurice Elmalem

The Will Power: Fighting Breaking Application Techniques in Self Defense (2010) The Will Power - The complete martial arts book with over 700 photos, illustrations,...
The Arts of Peace

The Art of Peace

The inspirational teachings in Morihei Ueshiba’s The Art of Peace show that the real way of the warrior is based on compassion, wisdom, fearlessness,...
Martial Arts and the Christian Kindle Book

Martial Arts and the Christian Kindle Book

Mitchell, Nebraska, October 12, 2012―LaurentBooks is proud to announce the following publication, Martial Arts and the Christian, on Amazon Kindle eBooks. Martial Arts and the...

Eric Greitens’ The Heart and the Fist

The Education of a Humanitarian, the Making of a Navy SEAL “Meet my hero—Eric Greitens. His life and this book remind us that America remains...
FMA Grandmasters and Masters

FMA: Filipino Martial Arts Masters and Grandmasters.

FMA: Filipino Martial Arts Masters and Grandmasters is about some of the many Masters and Grandmasters of the FMA (Filipino Martial Arts). Some are well...
The Way of the Warrior

The Way of the Warrior By Chris Crudelli

Chris Crudelli is the author of The Way of the Warrior: Martial Arts and Fighting Styles From Around the World, a magnificent visual guide...
Bully Proof Fitness by Chris Casamasa

Bully Proof FITNESS

The battle against bullies and bellies has been going on for generations. Since the 1960’s, the number of children who are considered overweight or...
Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse

Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse

Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse is a gripping and adventure-filled novel, one man reluctantly takes charge of an underground war that has...

 Gavin J. Poffley Translates The Spirit of the Sword By Nakamura Taisaburo

“The Spirit of the Sword was a great joy for me to read; I now have the immense satisfaction of finally understanding Nakamura Taisaburo’s...
Masahiko Kimura and Helio Gracie

Kimura: The Triumphs and Tragedy of One of Judo’s Greatest and Most Controversial Judo...

Kimura: The Triumphs and Tragedy of One of Judo's Greatest and Most Controversial Judo Champion is about one of the finest martial artist's to...
Success is Waiting

Success is Waiting

Success is Waiting is your guide to running a thriving martial arts school by developing long-lasting relationships with your students and your community. Buzz...
The Ninja Way: The Story of the Israeli Dojo by Ilan Gattegno

The Ninja Way: The Story of the Israeli Dojo

While writing the upcoming book “It Takes a Ninja,” Ilan Gattegno realized that many of his published writings on the Bujinkan were no longer...
Aikido Ground Fighting by Walther Von Krenner

Aikido Ground Fighting Grappling and Submission Techniques

Aikido Ground Fighting presents effective ground techniques that remain true to aikido founder Morehei Ueshiba's teachings while addressing a potential weakness in the system:...
25 Shoto-Kan Kata

25 Shoto-Kan Kata

What is Kata? A kata is a series of defensive and offensive moves against imaginary attacks from different directions. Also, a kata includes many moves...