Martial Arts Books

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Donnie Williams

Conquest Over Hatred: The Donnie Williams Story

In Conquest Over Hatred: The Donnie Williams Story, Pastor Donnie Williams gives a gripping testimony of having been raised in abject poverty, hating white...
The Art and the Way

The Art and the Way Book Reviews

The Art and the Way book reviews and correspondence from readers of Robert Hunts' incredible book. “The first great novel of karate” – Dan Ivan I...
No Regrets by Jerry Fisher

Jerry E Fisher No Regrets, The Life of an American Martial Artist

Whether you are a martial artist, a historian, an avid reader of biographies or just looking for a humorous, interesting read, Jerry E Fisher's...
Conceptual Modern Arnis by Bram Frank

Conceptual Modern Arnis By Bram Frank

Bram Frank's book, Conceptual Modern Arnis, is a seldom seen view of Arnis or Modern Arnis, the Filipino fighting art of Professor Remy Pesas, as...
Beyond Self Defense By Barry A. Broughton

Beyond Self-Defense by Barry A. Broughton

Do you want to learn self-defense skills quickly? Do you want to enhance your current defense skill set? Looking to become Empowered! Beyond Self-Defense...
Putting the Pieces Together

Putting the Pieces Together (Volume 1)

Quotes are like pieces of experiences, the quotes summarize in a line or two a lesson learned for life. The hope is always to...
TRIAL ON MOUNT KOYA released in July 2018 .

Hiro Hattori Novels by Susan Spann

Susan Spann is the award-winning author of the Hiro Hattori mystery novels, featuring ninja detective Hiro Hattori and Portuguese Jesuit Father Mateo. Susan began reading...
Marcy Shoberg's Find Your Focus

Find Your Focus: Marketing and Advertising Martial Arts, Self-Defense, and Fighting-Sport

Get a common-sense, no-hype education in the application of ALL advertising tools unique to the martial arts industries. Learn to use social media, websites,...
Bruce Lee Story by Tom Bleeker

The Bruce Lee Story

In the The Bruce Lee Story, Lida Lee, the widow of the late martial arts star, traces his life from his childhood in Hong...

Empty Hand Revolution: The Unfinished Life of Cosmo Zimik

The war defines the warrior. Born into a tribal war with India, trained as a Black Belt and street fighter from the age of nine,...
Living the Martial Way

Living the Martial Way

Forrest E. Morgan is the author of Living The Martial Way, a step-by-step approach to applying the Japanese warrior's mind set to martial training...
The Art of War Translated by Samuel B. Griffith

The Art of War

Like Machiavelli's The Prince and the Japanese Book of Five Rings, Sun Tzu's The Art of War is as timely for business people today...
Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse

Shidoshi: The Four Ways of the Corpse Review

I'm in love with a cantankerous old crone named Ramona Red Wolf. Don't ask; I'll explain later. I ran out to pick up the new...
Memoirs of an American Samurai

Memoirs of an American Samurai

Gary Lee left Hawaii with a surfboard, a Black Belt, a copy of the 1969 Black Belt Magazine and dreams of being the best...
Fighting Strategies Of Muay Thai: Secrets of Thailand's Boxing Camps

Fighting Strategies Of Muay Thai: Secrets Of Thailand’s Boxing Camps

There are three elements of Muay Thai boxing: techniques, tactics and strategy. Most Muay Thai books deal only with techniques. Fighting Strategies of Muay...
The Book of Five Rings

The Book of Five Rings: William Scott Wilson’s Translation

When the undefeated samurai Miyamoto Musashi retreated to a cave in 1643 and wrote The Book of Five Rings, a manifesto on swordsmanship, strategy,...