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Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan share his wisdom as a martial arts instructor and parent in USAdojo.com’s Family Center.

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

DIY Solar Powered Radio

Want to convert a battery powered radio to solar power? This homemade solar powered radio is an easy Do It Yourself Project . First buy the...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out About Mind Control

In this webisode Sensei Ryan Speaks Out about mind control. We control our minds, not the other way around. Don't let your mind take...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Wrap Up Extension Cords, Ropes or Cables

Never fight with tangled cables again! The best way in the world to wrap up extension cords is by using the basic or advanced...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Quick Rappel with a Bowline Knot

Rappelling is a ton of fun. But what if all you have is a rope and the knowledge of how to tie a bowline...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out About Life

Today Sensei Ryan Speaks Out about Life and his message will help make our lives better and more fulfilling. Did you lose contact with someone...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out About Valentines

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out About Valentines and says "Someone Loves You! Share this Top Secret Valentine’s Day message with all of your friends and...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out About Falling

In case you practice parking lot ice skating that ends in a fall on concrete? Or if you are clumsy and end up tripping...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Defend Against an Attacker

How do you defend against an attacker, mugger, robber, or other bad guy? Here are 5 extremely important ways for you to defend yourself...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Spring Break Ideas for Working Adults

Spring Break is here! Are you going on vacation or do you have to stay home and work? If you are an adult who...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out Saying YOSHI or Let’s Go!

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out Saying about Yoshi which in Japanese means "Let's go" or "I'm going to do this now." It's a way to get...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

How to Get Kids to Martial Arts Class

Do you want to learn how to get your kids to go to martial arts class, dance or gymnastics without a fight? Do you need...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan’s Father and Son Time Fun

Sensei Ryan's Father and Son Time Fun pivots around another Fun Challenge Video where I ask my son questions about my childhood and he...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

How to Remember Names

Do you forget the name of people you meet immediately after they say it to you? Do you want to learn how to remember...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan’s 10 Best Flying Martial Arts Throws

PART 1 - You know what is way more awesome than kicking and punching? Flying Jujitsu Throws! These 10 Best Flying Martial Arts Throws,...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan at Martial Arts Supershow 2015

Sensei Ryan and all the instructors at Champion Martial Arts got to visit the beautiful, (but insanely hot) Las Vegas, Nevada for the massive...
Sensei Ryan Speaks Out

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out About Inspiration

Sensei Ryan Speaks Out about Inspiration and how it is much more powerful than motivation. Motivation comes from the mere fact that you want...