Living Lessons

Living Lessons on offers wisdom for everyday life.

Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Being the Boss of Me

Chances are that sometime in your life you have heard a child say, "You're not the boss of me! I am!” I'm not debating...
Ask Dr. Robyn

Helping Your Child Learn Self Control

Dr. Robyn Silverman, the founder and creator of the Powerful Words Character Development System provides some helpful parenting tips to parents on how to...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Enjoy the Party

Sometimes life feels like a party, other times it feels like a battle. I think the key is to try to bring your "A"...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Make Good Choices

Every day we are faced with myriad of choices. Most of the time, they seem pretty insignificant. I am hungry for a snack, should I...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Taking Care of Yourself

I am sure that you know this, but.... It never ceases to amaze me how many really smart people fail to see the connection between...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Having the Right Attitude

Last summer, my son and I went on a two week seminar tour in the UK. During our trip we planned for a few...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Casper Always Has To Be Right

I have an acquaintance of mine that is incredibly bright, very fit, extremely witty. I will refer to him as Casper. He has everything...
Duke Tirschel

You Are You And You Always Were You!

He said, "Richard, you are you and you always were you. You're not what you do or what you call yourself...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Sincere Public Praise

Sensei Bruce Juchnik was my first karate teacher. He is a good guy and I'm happy to say that, more than forty years later,...
Ask Dr. Robyn

OverProtective Parents: Helpful or Harmful?

My mom and I were speaking on the phone yesterday about a recent New York Times article on overprotective parents called “helicopter parents,” their...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Good Habits

It never ceases to amaze me at how easy it is to see my good habits slip away from me if I don’t guard...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

How Would You

How would you breathe if you were totally calm and confident? Breathe like that. How would you walk if you were amazingly vibrant and healthy?...

Musashi Miyamoto Quotes

Musash Miyamoto quotes are from A Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy by Musashi Miyamoto and other sources. “Both in fighting and in...

Bruce Lee Quotes

A collection of Bruce Lee Quotes. There is wisdom in what he said, if we take his words to heart. Memorizing and regurgitating Bruce Lee’s...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Choose Your Words Carefully

As a coach, teacher or parent, you must choose your words carefully as someone's life will be influenced by those words. As a child, I...
Dave Kovar's Living Lessons

Appreciating Our Children

When my son, Alex, was little, I came home from work in a big hurry because I wanted to go for a run before...