Dana Stamos

Martial Arts Journalism

Thoughts on Martial Arts Journalism I consider myself a martial arts journalist and I take my job very seriously. For me, the job of a journalist...
Liinda Denley

The Great Linda Denley

Margret Beasley earned seven Golden Greek Awards from Texas, the highest number ever awarded since the death of Demetrius "The Golden Greek" Havanas in...
Gary Lee Sport Karate Museum

The Day I Was Saved by Grand Master Jhoon Rhee

When Grand Master Jhoon Rhee heard of my endeavor with the Sports Karate Museum almost 20 years ago, he sent me personal autograph pictures...
Blue Belt in Martial Arts

Remembering Beginnings: My Blue Belt Test and Sport Karate

My Blue Belt Test At today's test for my Blue Belt, we were introduced to Sport Karate point fighting and let me tell you it...
Don Schneider, John Wallace, Donald Miskel

Judo Reunion

At the age of seventeen I began studying Judo. Small and slight of build, but with an acumen for basketball none-the-less, I was finding...
Dane Harden's Living Lessons

First Empty Your Cup

Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen. Nan-in served tea. He poured his...
Dane Harden's Living Lessons

The Stone Carver

There was once a great "Stone Carver" who longed to be even greater... One day - he wished he could be all powerful...the next morning...
Rank in the Martial Arts

There is Meaning to Rank in the Martial Arts

I don't understand why someone would fake their history and rank in the martial arts, it is their lineage, the lessons received and learned....
Dane Harden's Living Lessons

Right From Wrong

When Bankei held his seclusion-weeks of meditation, pupils from many parts of Japan came to attend. During one of these gatherings a pupil was...

The Old Japanese Fisherman

I have many fond memories of martial arts events from my childhood in Hawaii. There are things I will never forget, like watching the...
Gary Lee Sport Karate Museum

Sport Karate: Yesterday 1967 And 2005

Here is story you might have heard about in rumors or as the guys gathered after a tournament or from the source. The pioneer...
Aaron Banks

Master Aaron Banks and Old School . . . Osu

It is 1993, the vision of the Sport Karate Museum was already in my head and Johnny Kuhl had given me Master Aaron Bank's...