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True Humility

Interesting talk on the phone today with my old-time Judo Sensei, Don Schneider. Due to the vagaries of an article which appeared about him...
Tales of The Karate Whisperer

The Karate Whisperer Cartoons

The Karate Whisperer is a cartoon strip created by the joint efforts of Gary Lee and Don Castillo, The Martial ARTist. Enjoy!
Dane Harden's Living Lessons


Once upon the time there was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon...
Dane Harden's Living Lessons

The Elephant and the Blind Students

Once upon a time there were three blind students, who were martial artists.  Each of them diligently studied their styles of fighting and each...
Dane Harden's Living Lessons

The Other Side

One day a young Buddhist on his journey home came to the banks of a wide river. Staring hopelessly at the great obstacle in...
Aaron Banks

Master Aaron Banks and Old School . . . Osu

It is 1993, the vision of the Sport Karate Museum was already in my head and Johnny Kuhl had given me Master Aaron Bank's...
Dane Harden's Living Lessons

Right From Wrong

When Bankei held his seclusion-weeks of meditation, pupils from many parts of Japan came to attend. During one of these gatherings a pupil was...
Dane Harden's Living Lessons

The Stone Carver

There was once a great "Stone Carver" who longed to be even greater... One day - he wished he could be all powerful...the next morning...
The Leo Fong Martial Arts Connection

The Leo Fong Martial Arts Connection

The stories you are about to read are true and are as accurate as the old sensei remembers. There are many lessons learned at...
Dane Harden's Living Lessons

Carrying A Burden

Two monks were returning to the monastery in the evening. In that time when monks traveled they did so in pairs and were forbidden...
Liinda Denley

The Great Linda Denley

Margret Beasley earned seven Golden Greek Awards from Texas, the highest number ever awarded since the death of Demetrius "The Golden Greek" Havanas in...
Dane Harden's Living Lessons

What is a Knight in Shining Armor

I wasn't feeling like anyone's knight in shining armor "I was whining about the various ailments and injuries that have accrued over a lifetime spent...
Dana Stamos

Martial Arts Journalism

Thoughts on Martial Arts Journalism I consider myself a martial arts journalist and I take my job very seriously. For me, the job of a journalist...

Sport Karate Museum History Generals

Sport Karate History Generals are martial artists who have a "sport history" in the martial arts. History General's are men and women who are...
Love and Respect To Grand Master Parker Shelton

Love and Respect To Grand Master Parker Shelton

I was told by my friend, Sensei Rob Baker, that my hero and dear friend, Grand Master Parker Shelton has lung cancer and is...
Rank in the Martial Arts

There is Meaning to Rank in the Martial Arts

I don't understand why someone would fake their history and rank in the martial arts, it is their lineage, the lessons received and learned....