Learning The Language

Learning the Language on USAdojo.com provides information about proper pronunciation, spelling, counting and more for languages use in martial arts training.

Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions W

Wa: “Accord.” An ancient Japanese term for harmony, accord, and coordination. Wado ryu: “Way of peace.” A Japanese style of karate developed from jujutsu and earlier karate...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions C

Capoeira: A Brazilian form of combat adapted by African slaves to fight oppression. Capoeira is dance-like, and many believe it was developed this way to...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions M

Ma ai: The distance between two opponents. Mae: “Front” or “forward.” Mae-geri: Front kick Mairi: Tapping with the hand to signify submission. Makeru: To lose or be defeated. Makiwara: A karate training post designed for...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions D

Daab: A Thai sword used in Krabi Krabong. Dachi: Stance. Dai Kissaki: Enlarged point on a Japanese sword, a style more commonly found on swords from the 1700′s. Daisan: The completed...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions L

Lakan: The male black belt rank in the Filipino art of arnis. Lathi: “Staff.” An Indian fighting art centered around a cane or bamboo staff about five...
Ai-Yotsu and Kenka Yotsu

A Different Definition of Ai-Yotsu and Kenka Yotsu

In order to truly understand the difference between the terms Ai-Yotsu and Kenka Yotsu, one should dismiss the definitions of so called right-handed and...

It’s Sōke, It’s Alright

The so-called controversy and dilemma with the use of the term sōke in martial arts has only been seen in a few articles (self-published)...
Asian Map

Asian Word Pronunciation

The charts below give an approximate Asian word pronunciation of words in Japanese, Chinese and Korean. The Japanese alphabet consists of 99 sounds formed with...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions G

Gake: Hooking action used in some ankle and sacrifice throws. Gakko: School. Ganmen: A target area referred to in sport karate. It includes all of the head and face...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions U

Uchi: Strike. Uchi deshi: “Apprentice.” An old Japanese practice where a student was apprenticed to a martial arts master in order to become an instructor in turn. Uchi-mata: Inner...