Learning The Language

Learning the Language on USAdojo.com provides information about proper pronunciation, spelling, counting and more for languages use in martial arts training.

Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions H

Hachimaki: “Head wrapping.” A light cotton towel, also known as a tengui, wrapped around the forehead to restrict perspiration from running into the eyes and...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions Y

Yama-arashi: Mountain storm. Hand technique Yang: “Active” or “positive.” In ying-yang theory, the positive aspect associated with what is described as centrifugal, expansive and extroversive. Yari: Spear. Yikwon: Backfist. Yin: “Passive” or “negative.”...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions M

Ma ai: The distance between two opponents. Mae: “Front” or “forward.” Mae-geri: Front kick Mairi: Tapping with the hand to signify submission. Makeru: To lose or be defeated. Makiwara: A karate training post designed for...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions Z

Zanshin: A state of mind which is cultivated by the martial artist of complete awareness and alertness, anticipation of success in combat. Zazen: “Sitting meditation.” The meditative...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions P

Pachigi: A Korean martial art in which the head is used to butt an opponent. Pai shih: A ceremony for a kung fu novice denoting his acceptance...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions V

Vo phuc: A name for the uniform worn in the Vietnamese martial arts.
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions N

Nagare: Flow. Nage: Throw. Nage Waza: Throwing techniques. Naginata: “Reaping sword.” A curved-blade spear, once used by Japanese monks and samurai. It is approximately seven feet in length including the blade....
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions O

O: “Big” or “great.” Obi: Belt. Obi-otoshi Belt drop Odachi:: See “tachi.” O-goshi: Major hip, hip technique O-guruma: Major wheel. Judo foot technique. Oi-zuki Step punch. Okuri-ashi-harai: sending foot sweep, Judo foot technique. Omote: “Front” or “obvious.” Oni ken: Extended knuckle fist. Orei: “Respect” or...
Martial Arts Definitions

Martial Arts Definitions R

Randori: Free sparring. Rei: (Ray) “Soul or Spirit” A bow that begins in the tan tien (seat of the soul located in the abdoinal area). The term...

What “Fighting!” Means to Koreans

Korean winters are incredibly cold. The summers are hot and wet, and walking outside can feel like walking into a warm bath. That's not...