Evan Pantazi Kyusho Online: Articles by an Expert
Evan Pantazi Kyusho Online shares Evan’s website articles related to Kyusho and other martial arts topics written by Evan Pantazi, one of the top Kyusho Jitsu instructors in the world. He is the celebrated author of numerous books and DVDs on the topic of kyusho jitsu and travels throughout the world teaching seminars.
- Kyusho is a Renaissance
- Remembering Grandmaster Gary Rooks: A Legacy of Education and Health
- Double RAS KO
- Wing Chun’s 5 Hand Drill
- Go Ju Suparempi KO
- Passai’s Inner Meaning
- Exclusive Kyusho Target
- Positive, Negative, Ground
- International Kyusho Convention
- The Bubishi Monkey Shichen of Sanchin & Seisan
- Gedan Barai-Kyusho
- Age-Uke Kyusho
- Convergence Divergence
- Ba Duan Jin 2013
- Nai Han Chi Grappling