Jesalyn Mae Harper is a 1st Degree Black Belt in American Kenpo Karate under the Parker/Planas Lineage. Her direct instructor is JR Diaz an 8th Degree Black Belt under Grand Master Huk Planas. Sifu Jesalyn also studies and cross trains in Kenpo, Jeet Kune Do, Silat, and Kali with Sifu Z (Marty Zaninovich) a 9th Degree Black Belt and Certified Inosanto Academy Instructor.
Jesalyn Mae Harper was a student of the late Grand Master Frank Trejo. Her weapons training is Karbaroan Eskrima emphasizing on Mano Largo, Mano Corta and Spada y Daga with Sifu Diaz, (under Guro Ed Planas). Sifu Jesalyn is an owner in and instructor at Double Dragon Kenpo Karate.
Jesalyn is the author of an online martial arts blog called, Kenpo Girl. Kenpo Girl is dedicated to discussing issues and events in all systems and styles of martial arts, on and off the mat.
Sifu Jesalyn is also a MMA freelance writer and a published author.