Wing Chun Kung Fu practitioner Jason Lau is the Grandmaster of the Jiu Wan branch of Wing Chun. He studied Wing Chun under Jiu Wan (Chiu Wan) who he said was a Kung Fu brother with Yip Man. Since it was a practice at the time not to have two instructors of the same style and skill in the same area, for twenty years Jiu Wan treated Yip Man as his master.” However, according to a radio interview on September 11, 2012 Jason Lau stated that Jiu Wan never studied under Yip Man and considered the idea as a “bizarre thing”. He also stated that he specified “very clearly” to Wong Shun Leung and Hawkins Cheung (notable Yip Man’s students) that Jiu Wan never was a student of Yip Man. The students of Francis Fong, Jason Lau’s kung fu brother and another student of Jiu Wan, also corroborated the story saying that Jiu Wan and Yip Man were class mates who studied together.
Jason Lau worked under the late Mitchell Werbell III in his counter-terrorist training camp Cobray International in Powder Springs, Georgia. Mitchell Werbell III had an established history with the CIA and other clandestine governmental agencies. At Cobray International, security forces for Lyndon LaRouche were trained. Jason Lau’s experience reportedly allowed him “to walk…across ceilings like a human fly, remain crouched in a motionless position for hours while waiting for his prey, jump higher than people’s heads; and pause, bird-like, suspended in the air,” according to Eagle magazine. In 1987 Jason Lau helped stage a mock terrorist raid on a synagogue in Atlanta.
Alan Goldberg, one of Lau’s top students, was named 2004 Kung Fu Artist of the Year by Black Belt magazine. Chris Burke, Michael Militano, and Louis Oscar are also top students of Jason Lau who have their own Kung Fu schools.
The video clip on the top of this page is taken from the series Silk Road and shows series host, Kumu Michelle Manu, interviewing Grand Master Jason Lau about Wing Chun.