When pronouncing Japanese and Okinawan words, remember that each syllable is stressed equally when saying multi-syllable words (i.e., ka-ra-te, not kar-ate). All syllables of a word are pronounced with equal emphasis.
There is no “R” sound in Japanese or Okinawan . If the letter R is used in a word, it is pronounced closer to an “L”, or like a rolled “R”.
A word does not change in the plural as it does in English. For example, “kata” may mean one kata or many kata. It would be incorrect to say, “katas”.
Stance - Dachi |
English | Japanese/Okinawan |
toe outward (Seiuchin) | Soto hachiji |
toe inward (Naihanchin) | Uchi hachiji |
straddle, or "horse" | Kiba |
short front (Seisan) | Sho zenkutsu |
Parallel | Heiko |
hourglass | Sanchin |
formal (feet together) | Musubi |
crossed-leg | Kosa |
crane | Tsuru Ashi |
cat | Nekoashi |
"T" stance | Teiji |
Kicking Techniques
Kick - Geri |
English | Japanese/Okinawan |
Stomp Kick | Fumikomi geri |
Front Snap Kick | Mae geri keage |
Front Thrust Kick | Mae geri kekomi |
Flying Front Kick | Mae tobi geri |
Side Snap Kick | Yoko geri keage |
Side Thrust Kick | Yoko geri kekomi |
Back Kick | Ushiro geri |
Roundhouse Kick | Mawashi geri |
Crescent Kick | Mikazuki geri |
Double Jump Kick | Nihon tobi geri |
Punching & Striking Techniques
Punches - Tzuki | Strikes - Uchi |
English | Japanese/Okinawan | English | Japanese/Okinawan |
Rising Punch | Age tzuki | Elbow Strike | Empi uchi |
Reverse Punch | Gyaku tzuki | Downward Strike | Gedan uchi |
Straight Punch | Seiken tzuki | Ridge-hand Strike | Ha-ito uchi |
Lunge Punch | Oi tzuki | Strike with Knee | Hittsui uchi |
Side Punch | Tate tzuki | One Finger Spearhand | Ippon nukite |
| | Two Finger Spear | Nihon nukite |
| | Front Elbow Strike | Mae empi uchi |
| | Uppercut Strike | Seiken jodan uchi |
| | Palm-Heel Strike | Shotei |
| | Hammer Fist Strike | Tettsui uchi |
| | Backfist Strike | Uraken uchi |
| | Backfist to Solar Plexus | Uraken chudan |
| | Lower Backfist Strike | Uraken gedan barai |
| | Inverted Backfist Strike | Uraken shomen uchi |
| | Rear Elbow Strike | Ushiro empi uchi |
| | Side Elbow Strike | Yoko empi uchi |
Blocking Techniques: Block - Uke
Block - Uke |
English | Japanese/Okinawan |
Rising Block | Age uke |
Downward Block | Gedan uke |
Knife Hand Block | Shuto uke |
Crescent Block | Mikazuki uke |
Union Block | Soe uke |
X-Block | Juji uke |
Inside/Outside Block | |
Outside/Inside Block | |
Palm Heel Block | Shotei uke |
General Terms
Japanese/Okinawan | English |
Bunkai | Study of techniques and applications |
Dan | Blackbelt Grade |
Hombu Dojo | The central dojo of an organization |
Ippon | One point |
Jodan | Upper area |
Kamae (kah-mai) | Posturing or distancing |
Ki | Mind, Spirit, Energy |
Ki-ai | A shout focusing all of one's energy into a single movement |
Kihon | Fundamental or basic |
Kime | Focus |
Kuzushi | Breaking Balance |
Kyu | Grade- Rank below blackbelt |
Kyusho | Attack of vital points |
Makiwara | Punching board |
Mudanshu | One who does not hold a blackbelt rank |
Nihon | Two point |
Obi | Belt |
Sensei | One who has gone before, teacher |
Shiai | Contest or Match |
Sinban | Refree |
Soke | Founder, head of family |
Tai sabaki | Body movement |
Tori | Partner Performing a technique |
Uke | Partner receiving a technique |
Waza | Technique |
Yudansha | One who is a blackbelt |
| |
Japanese/Okinawan | English |
Aswatti | sit |
Domo arigato gazaimasu | Thank you very much |
Hai | yes |
Hajime (ha-jee-may) | begin |
Kiai | Shout of spirit or energy |
Keotsuke (kee-oh-tskay) | Attention |
Ohayo Gozaimasu | Good Morning |
Kombanwa | Good Evening |
Konnichiwa | Good Afternoon |
Matte | Wait |
Ohayo | Hello |
Oyasumi Nasai | Good Night |
Tachi rei | Standing bow |
Tameshi waza | Breaking Technique |
Yamae | Stop |
| |
Mawashi | Round |
Mikazuki | Crescent |
Nukite | Spearhand |
Seiken | Fist |
Tobi | Jump |
Tzuki | Punch |
Uchi | Strike |
Uke (oo-kay) | Block |
| |
Dachi | stance |
Empi | Elbow |
Geri (Geddy) | Kick |
Kakato | Heel of foot |
Keage | Snapping |
Kekomi | Thrusting |
Koshi | Ball of the foot or hips |
Japanese/Okinawan | English |
Age | Rising |
Chudan | Middle Area |
Gedan | Lower Area |
Jodan | Upper Area |
Mae | Front |
Ushiro | Back |